Form Wizard, Create New Form page
Use this page of the Form Wizard to make the basic specifications for a new form.
Required specifications
You must specify:
- The
Name of the form
If you are using an existing form's template, you can select it from the drop-down list. If you are not using an existing template, you can type in this field the name for the new form.
- The type of form (Form Type) you want to create
- The Data Source for the form
This is the IDO collection which is to serve as the primary collection for the form.
Note: For Build-from-scratch forms only, this field is not required. All other types of form require that you specify a primary IDO collection.
Optional specifications
Optionally, you can also specify:
The default Form Layout
For MultiView forms only, this option determines which Grid View display option the wizard is to use by default. You can override this setting later in the process.
What Device Type is to be the default device type
This option assumes that your system has more than one device type defined.
The name of the Query Form to be associated with this form
This can be either the name of an existing query form, or you can type in the name of the query form you intend to create for this form.
Descriptive Comments to be saved with the form's template
These comments do not display anywhere in the created form. They are used and stored only with the form definition/template.
Next steps
When you click
, the page you see next depends on the type of form you are creating.