EXTGEN Listing

The EXTGEN Listing form displays a read-only list of extended (extgen_) stored procedure methods that exist in the database. The output for each extgen_ method is color-coded and sorted according to the Code Review Level.

This form is divided into two main sections. The top section displays a read-only list and information about each extgen_ method currently in the system. The bottom section displays more detailed information about a selected method.

Top section

The top section of the form displays this information for each extgen_ method in the list:

Column Description

This column simply displays the row number of each extgen_ method.


This column displays an icon summary of the state of each extgen_ method in the system:

  • Red: This indicates that no base version of the stored procedure method exists.

    This typically means that Infor has removed the base method for some reason, but the customer still has an extgen_ method version. It might also mean that some other party has "coded out" the stored procedure with a custom assembly extension class for this stored procedure.

    If that is the case, we recommend that you look in release notes and/or the help, to discover why the base method was removed. If that is not fruitful, we recommend that you contact your Support Representative for assistance.

  • Yellow: This indicates that the base method still exists, and that no custom assembly extension class for this stored procedure exists. However, the Modify Date of the base method is newer than the Modify Date of the extgen_ method.

    In a case like this, the code in the base method should be reviewed using the Compare w/ Base option on the Edit Stored Procedure form. Then, if you are comfortable with programming, you can merge and resubmit the extgen_ method code. If not, we recommend that you reach out to your Support Representative for assistance.

  • Green: The base method has NOT been removed; no custom assembly extension class exists for this stored procedure; and the Modify Date of the base method is NOT newer than the Modify Date of the extgen_ method.

    In this case, there is likely no action required. If you want, you could use the Compare w/ Base option, but it is unlikely that any changes would be required for a merge action.


This column displays the name of the extgen_ method.

Extgen Modify Date

This column displays the date on which the extgen_ method was last modified.

Base method

This column displays the name of the base method on which the extgen_ method is based (and which it has modified).

Base Method Modify Date

This column displays the date on which the base method was last modified.

Code Review Level

This column displays a brief verbal description of the current state of the extgen_ method.

Bottom section

The bottom section of the form displays this information for a selected extgen_ method in the top section:

Field/Option Description
Code Review Level

This field displays the same information as the column of the same name in the top section.


The read-only field to the right of the View button displays the name of the extgen_ method.

To view and optionally edit the extgen_ method code, click View. When clicked, the extgen_ method code displays in the editable text field.

Extgen Modify Date

This read-only field displays the date that the extgen_ method was last modified.

Base Method

This read-only field displays the name of the base method that the extgen_ method extends.

Base Method Modify Date

This read-only field displays the date that the base method was last modified.

Edit Stored Procedure button

This button launches the Edit Stored Procedure form as a modal form populated with the name of the selected extgen_ method. You can then use that form to view and modify the code and resubmit it as the new version of the extgen_ method.

[Unlabeled editable text field]

This displays the code for the selected extgen_ method as it currently exists in the database. If you click View, the code for the extgen_ method displays.