Custom calendar event templates
You can customize the body of an appointment using a special template. To use this template, select Body Type when configuring the application. See Configuring the service application for information about the configuration steps.
as theHTML templates are in the subfolder HtmlTemplates in the installation folder. A sample template, named HTMLEmailBody.html, is used for incident and service order appointments, which come from the Service calendar. Another template, named HTMLEmailBodyMisc.html, is included for miscellaneous appointments, which also come from the Service calendar. You can modify the templates to suit your needs. For example, you can change the logo, font, and color, and move fields.
You can create a new template, but you should save it as HTMLEmailBody.html in the folder with the installation files. If you want to store it in a different folder, you must specify that location on the Sync Process Configuration screen.
You can customize the email that is sent to a user asking them to set up the delegate account by customizing the template HTMLDelegateMessageEmailBody.html.