Processing Contract Payments with a Credit Card
Use the Credit Card Contract Invoice Payments form to charge a pre-filtered list of contract invoices at one time.
For these fields, select a range of values to filter the list of
invoices included in the charge:
- Invoice Number
- Service Type
- Contract
- Customer
- Invoice Date
- Due Date
- To put the process on the background queue and automatically increment the dates based on the processing date, select Increment Date for the Invoice Date range and Due Date range.
Specify the frequency with which to generate the report:
- Always: A report is generated every time the utility is run.
- Never: A report is never generated.
- On Error: A report is only generated if an error occurs.
- To populate the grid with a list of all contract invoices with an outstanding balance and that have an active credit card authorization associated with them, select Preview and then click Process.
- In the grid, select the invoices to include in the charge process. To include all of the invoices in the process, click Select All.
- To run the utility and charge the invoices, select Commit and then click Process.
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