About the Credit Card Interface
Level II and Level III Processing
The CenPOS and BridgePay gateways support Level II and Level III credit card processing.
System Setup
Use the Credit Card Interface Parameters form to set up the interface after it is installed.
For more information, see Setting up the Credit Card Interface.
Collecting, Viewing, and Reusing Credit Card Information
Click the Credit Card Payment Information form, where you can specify the credit card details and quickly check that the card is valid:
button on these forms to display the- Sales Orders
- Service Orders
- A/R Posted Transaction Summary
- A/R Posted Transaction Detail
You can also access the Credit Card Payment Information form from the main menu, to set up payment information for customers at any time.
Service Mobile users can collect credit card information and signatures using their mobile devices.
If you select Store for Future Orders on the Credit Card Payment Information form, a record of the customer's credit card information is saved.
This reduces the time to enter subsequent orders and provides a better experience for repeat customers. If you do not select Store for Future Orders, the credit card information is used only for the current order and cannot be retrieved for future orders.
You can associate more than one card with the same customer number.
Use the Customer Credit Cards form to look for credit cards on file or to remove stored credit card information from the system. You cannot edit the information on this form.
Use the Credit Card Payment Information form to update or add credit card information for a customer.
For security reasons, only the last four digits of the credit card number are displayed. The card type and expiration date are displayed for each customer Ship To number, to distinguish between multiple cards on file for that customer.
Pre-Authorizing the Card
When you take an order using a credit card, the system can pre-authorize the card for a percentage of the sale amount, or for a specific default amount, or just verify that the card is valid and authorize the actual amount later. This is a system setting that must be handled the same way for all customers. See Pre-authorizing Credit Card Amounts or Percentages.
Credit Card Transactions
All credit card transactions that are sent through the interface are stored in the application database to allow auditing. Each transaction is stamped with the date and time so you can track daily transaction volume through the Credit Card Transactions form. The actual credit card number is stored in a separate third-party database that is encrypted and certified to record such information.
Handling Multiple Currencies through Gateways
If the transaction uses foreign currency, the credit card amount is converted to domestic currency before the transaction is submitted to the credit card gateway. The foreign currency amount is stored in the system for reconciliation upon receipt of payment.
Reversing Credit Card Transactions
You can reverse a transaction against the original credit card.
Invoicing and Credit Cards
During order invoicing, if the order is associated with a credit card, the system calculates the amount of the invoice and executes a transaction through a third-party application to charge the credit card. The amount charged to the credit card is displayed on the invoice. The invoice also indicates whether credit card processing was successful or failed.
Accounts Receivable
You can accept a credit card for an invoice during collection calls with customers and initiate a transaction through a third-party application to charge the credit card. Upon successful completion of the credit card transaction, the payment is applied to the specific invoice. Partial and overpayments are supported.
If there are multiple invoices, you can accept a credit card to apply an Open payment during collection calls with customers and initiate a transaction through a third-party application to charge the credit card. Upon successful completion of the credit card transaction, the payment is created, and you can use the Quick Pay feature to associate multiple outstanding invoices with the payment.
If transactions are not processing correctly, select Debug on the Credit Card Interface Parameters form and specify an output folder on the database server. A text file that lists the processing steps is created in this output folder. The file does not include any sensitive information from the card.