Viewing Posted A/P Transactions
Open the Posted Transaction - AP form in one of these ways:
- Click Transaction Detail on the Journal Entries form when you are working with the PO Dist journal.
- Click Sequence Detail on the G/L Posted Transactions form.
This information is displayed for the transaction:
- Sequence
- The voucher sequence number is displayed. This number identifies the sequence of actions that are related to the voucher.
- Vendor
- The vendor number is displayed.
- (Vendor Name)
- The name of the vendor is displayed.
- Journal
- The distribution journal is displayed.
- From Site
- The site ID that is associated with the transaction is displayed.
- Currency
- The currency associated with the transaction is displayed.
- Voucher
- The voucher number for the transaction is displayed.
- (Voucher Description)
- A description of the voucher is displayed.
- Voucher Sequence
- The voucher sequence number is displayed. This number identifies the sequence of actions that are related to the voucher.
- Invoice
- If the posted transaction is an invoice, the invoice number associated with the voucher is displayed.
- PO
- The purchase order number of the transaction is displayed, if applicable.
- The goods receiving note number is displayed.
- Check
- If the posted transaction is a payment, the check number associated with the payment is displayed.
- A/P Account
- The General Ledger account number against which the transaction is posted is displayed.
- Due Days
- The number of days allowed after the invoice date before the invoice payment is due is displayed.
- Discount Days
- The number of days allowed after the invoice date during which the invoice payment qualified for a discount is displayed.
- Discount Percent
- The discount percentage allowed if payment is made by the discount date is displayed.
- Invoice Date
- The date of the invoice is displayed.
- Due Date
- The due date of the invoice or the paid date of the payment is displayed.
- Discount Date
- The discount date of the posted transaction is displayed.
- Distribution Date
- The date of the distribution is displayed. This date is used for the A/P distribution journal, and may differ from the value in the Invoice Date field. For example, when processing an invoice for a previous period, you may want the distribution to be dated within another period.
- Invoice Amount
- The amount of the invoice is displayed.
- Amount Paid
- The domestic currency amount of the transaction that has been paid is displayed.
- Non-Discount Amount
- The domestic currency amount of the invoice amount that is not eligible for a discount is displayed.
- Discount Taken
- The discount amount taken on the payment is displayed.
- Discount Amount
- The domestic currency amount of the discount that may be taken if payment of the selected transaction is made on or before the discount date is displayed.
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