ALLEFT EFT Output Format
This topic describes ALLEFT EFT output format.
Database Table and Column | Description | Format |
vendor.EFT_bank_num | Vendor bank sort code | 99-99-99 |
vendor.account | EFT bank account number | 99999999 |
N/A | Always set to zero | 9 |
first 18 characters of vendor.account_name if not null; else first 18 characters of | Service Management vendor name, or vendor account name. This is reference information. | string of length 18 |
Sum of all appmtd.dom_amt_paid if the vendor's currency code = currparms.curr_code for a payment; else sum of all apppmtd.for_amt_paid for a payment | Payment amount | decimal, length 8, padded on left with blanks, always 2 digits after the decimal point (maximum 99999.99) |
appmt.check-num | Check number | string of length 7, padded on left with blanks |
Note: There are no spaces except
as specified and each EFT output file line corresponds to one payment
If the payment amount is greater than 99999.99, then ?????.?? is written to the output file, and a line displaying the error is written to an error file (generated in the same directory as the output file).
11-22-33100200320Bicycle Parts Comp 10.00 1
11-22-33100200320Bicycle Parts Comp 20.00 2