Generating the Accounts Payable Aging Report
On the
Accounts Payable Aging Report, specify this
information in the header section:
- Aging Basis
- Select one of these options for aging the transactions:
Invoice Date: Age open item amounts
by voucher invoice date.
Due Date: Age open item amounts by
voucher due date.
Discount Date: Age open item amounts
by voucher discount date.
- Aging Date
- Select the date to calculate the age of the transactions. The
current date is the default value. The age of the transactions determines
into which aging bucket (1-5) the transactions are placed.
- Cutoff Date
- Select the date to use as the cutoff. All transactions with
distribution dates before and including this cutoff date are included.
- Increment Date
- Select this field to have the system automatically increment
date ranges and re-run reports and utilities. When the specified time period
has elapsed, the date range increments and the report/utility is run again.
- Site Group
- Select a default site group to use.
- Sort By
- Select Name to sort the
report by name, or accept the default of Number to
sort the report by number.
- Secondary Sort By
- When sorting by number, select whether you want to
sort by the Vendor Invoice or
Voucher number.
- Display Report Header
- Select this check box to display report headers in the
- Sort By Currency
- Select this check box to sort and print the report by
currency code.
- Consolidate Vendors
- Select this check box to show report results by vendor then
by site, instead of by site then by vendor.
For these fields, specify a range of values to include in the
- Vendor
- Name
- Currency Code
Use these check boxes to set additional parameters for the report:
- Suppress Zero Balance Vouchers
- Select this check box to exclude vouchers with zero balances.
- Translate to Domestic Currency
- Select this check box to translate amounts in the report to
the domestic currency.
- Use Historical Currency Rate
- Select this check box to calculate and print any estimate of
future gains/losses based on the current exchange rate.
- Show Active Transactions Only
- Select the check box to print only active transactions on the
- Print All Posted Transactions
- Select this field to include the total for a vendor followed
by the posted transactions for that vendor. Clear this field to print the
totals for each vendor.
- Print Open Payments
- Select the check box to include open payments on the
statements or on the report. This field is only enabled if Print All Posted
Transactions is selected.
- Payment Hold
- Select the check box to include only those vendors that you
have placed on payment hold.
In the
Aging Bucket field, select
the number of the aging bucket (1-5) for which you want to print the report.
In the <= fields, specify the
possible maximum age in days for an invoice for each of the five aging periods. The
second, third, fourth, and fifth dates are based on the due date or the invoice date,
as determined by the first date. The number entered indicates the lower limit for
each entry. Use negative numbers to indicate future due dates and positive numbers to
indicate past due dates. Specify the numbers in ascending order. The first <= field is usually a negative number,
indicating items due in the future.
In the
Days fields, specify the
name (title) associate with each of the five aging periods. The update entry
sequence presents the corresponding
Days field immediately
after entering the aging bucket.
Click Preview to view the report output
before printing.
Click Print to run the report and print
the output.