Entering Customer Payments Using A/R Quick Payment Application

  1. Open the A/R Quick Payment Application form.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the customer ID of the customer for whom you are entering the payment.
    The customer's payment method is displayed by default, but you can select a different method.
    Specify the check or draft number for this payment.
    Receipt Date
    Select the date you received the payment, or accept the default, which is the current date.
    Payment Due Date
    Select the date the draft is due. This field is only enabled if the payment type is Draft.
    G/L Reference
    Specify a description to display in the distribution journal for this transaction, or accept the default, which is ARP followed by the check or draft number.
    Specify a description for the distribution journal for this transaction, or accept the default description.
    Bank Code
    The customer's bank code is displayed. Optionally, select a different bank code.
    Specify the amount of the payment.
  4. Select Actions > Save.
    Note: You must perform this step before you can select any transactions in the grid.

    All open invoices, finance charges, payments, and credit memos for this customer display in the grid at the bottom of the form. If any of these transactions have been distributed, the Selected check box is selected for each.

    Note: On the A/R Quick Payment Application form, non-A/R payment distributions display as selected in the grid. The amounts display in the Discount and Allowance columns. In the Discount column, you enter Credit Amount 1, and in the Allowance column you enter Credit Amount 2.
  5. For each transaction you want to make a payment against, select the Selected check box, or, to select all the displayed transactions, click Select All.
  6. Select Apply.

A message is displayed, listing the actions that were taken.