Adding an Item Purchase Cost Record

  1. On the Item Purchase Costs form, select Actions > New.
  2. Specify this information:
    Select the item for which you are adding a purchase cost record.
    A description of the item is displayed.
    Product Code
    The product code associated with the item is displayed. Product codes are set up to hold general ledger account information for use in posting expenses and revenue for service orders and service contracts.
    The number of the vendor associated with the item is displayed, if applicable.
    The name of the vendor is displayed.
    Begin/Ending Effect
    Select the date range during which the item purchase cost will be in effect.
    Planned Purchase Cost
    Specify the cost of the item purchased from a vendor.
    Mfg List Price
    Specify the suggested pricing from the manufacturer of the item.
  3. Save the record.