Creating Item Stockroom Locations
- Open the Item Stockroom Locations form.
Specify this information:
- Warehouse
- Select the warehouse where the item is to be located.
- Name
- The name of the warehouse is displayed.
- Item
- Select the item for which you are creating the record.
- Description
- A description of the item is displayed.
- Total Quantity On Hand
- The total quantity of the item in all nettable stockroom locations is displayed.
- U/M
- The unit of measure used for the item is displayed.
- Lot Track
- If the item is lot tracked, this check box is selected.
- S/N Track
- If the item is serial tracked, this check box is selected.
- Issue By
- The method used to issue the item is displayed.
- Rank
- Specify the rank of the new stockroom location. The primary location has a rank of one.
- Location
- Select the stockroom location for the item.
- Description
- A description of the location is displayed.
- Location Type
- The location type is displayed: stock or transit.
- Non-Nettable
- Select this check box to identify the item as non-nettable at
this location. Non-nettable stock has these restrictions:
- You cannot ship from a non-nettable location.
- If you
attempt to withdraw from a non-nettable location using a negative
value for a Purchase Order Receiving transaction or a negative value
for a RMA Return Transaction, a warning message is displayed, but you
can still process the transaction.
You cannot process other attempts to withdraw from a non-nettable location.
- MRP and APS do not use the non-nettable quantity in calculating requirements.
- Permanent
- Select this check box to identify a location as permanent.
- Rental Inventory
- Select this check box if inventory in this location should be available to be placed on rental contracts.
- On Hand
- Specify a beginning quantity on hand.
- (U/M)
- Select the unit of measure for the quantity on hand.
- On Rent
- The total of the quantity on the Contract Lines form for the current item, warehouse, and location combination that are checked out for rent.
- Available to Rent
- The total quantity available to rent is displayed. This amount is found by subtracting the quantity on rent from the quantity on hand.
On the
Costs tab, these fields are
populated based on the item:
- Cost Type
- Cost Method
- Unit Cost
- Total Cost
- Material Cost
- Labor Cost
- Fixed Overhead Cost
- Variable Overhead Cost
- Outside Cost
On the
Material Transaction tab,
specify this information:
- Transaction Date
- Select a date for the transaction, or use the current date.
- Transaction Type
- The transaction type code and description that identify the stockroom location function being performed is displayed.
- Reason
- Select the reason code for the transaction.
- Description
- The reason code description is displayed.
On the
Accounts tab, the account
codes are populated based on the product code. Optionally, select different
codes for these accounts:
- Material Account
- Labor Account
- Fixed Overhead Account
- Variable Overhead Account
- Outside Account
Totals tab shows these
derived totals for the item across all locations:
- Total Reserved Orders
- Total Non-Nettable Stock
- Total Rental Stock
- Total On Rent
- Total Available to Rent
- Save the record.
Note: The Permanent check box marks a location
as permanent or temporary. If the location is temporary, the item stockroom location is
automatically deleted when the On Hand quantity becomes zero through any of these
- Sales Order Shipping
- Purchase Order Receiving
- Warehouse Transfers: Ship, Receipt, or Combined
- Quantity Move
- Quantity Adjustment
- Miscellaneous Issue
- Miscellaneous Receipt
- SRO Receipt
- SRO Material Issues
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