Goods Receiving Notes Overview

Use the Goods Receiving Notes (GRN) functionality to link a receipt to multiple purchase orders for the same vendor. GRNs can be created manually or automatically from an EDI ASN.

A GRN has one of these statuses:

  • In Process: This is the default status when adding a GRN. You have the ability to add or modify GRN Lines.
  • Approved: The GRN is ready to be vouchered. Nothing can be modified.
  • Stopped: The GRN is on hold for review and can not be vouchered.
  • History: The GRN has been vouchered.

Create a GRN

GRNs are created in one of the following ways:

  • On the Goods Receiving Notes form, choose the vendor with which to associate the GRN. Click New in the toolbar and enter an alphanumeric identifier for the GRN; up to 30 characters. You cannot have the same GRN number for the same vendor more than once, but you can use the same GRN number for different vendors.

For example, if vendor 8 has a GRN named GRN1, you cannot create a new GRN for vendor 8 named GRN1. You can, however; create a GRN for vendor 9 named GRN1.

  • At receiving. Select the GRN Receipt field on the Purchase Order Receiving form and enter an alphanumeric identifier for the GRN number in the GRN field. After you add the purchase orders for this vendor and then receive, the GRN appears on the Goods Receiving Notes form.

Create GRN Lines

GRN lines are created in one of these ways:

  • Enter all line data on the Goods Receiving Note Lines form.
  • At receiving, select the GRN Receipt field on the Purchase Order Receiving form and enter an alphanumeric identifier for the GRN number in the GRN field. After you add the purchase orders for this vendor and then receive, the GRN lines appear on the Goods Receiving Note Lines form.
  • Run the Generate Goods Receiving Note Lines activity. This activity allows you to generate Goods Receiving Line records for non-electronic ASN transactions. You can add GRN Lines from either purchase orders or posted receipts.

GRN Report

Use the Goods Receiving Note Report form to print a report which shows GRN status and line information. Select from a range of GRNs and vendors.

Change GRN Status

Use the Change Goods Receiving Note Status utility to change the status of a GRN. You can change from one status to another status in the following cases:

  • From In Process to Approved or Stopped
  • From Approved to In Process, Stopped, or History
  • From Stopped to In Process or Approved

Delete a GRN

GRNs with a status of In Process or History can be deleted. Use the Delete Goods Receiving Note utility to delete a range of GRNs. You can delete GRNs individually without using the Delete Goods Receiving Note utility. On the Goods Receiving Notes form, click the Delete button in the toolbar to delete the current GRN.