Creating Recurring Vouchers
- Open the Recurring Vouchers form.
- Select Actions > New.
Specify this information:
- Vendor
- Select the vendor number for the voucher.
- (Name)
- The name of the vendor is displayed.
- Voucher
- After saving the new record, the next available voucher number is populated.
- Invoice
- Specify the vendor's invoice number for the recurring voucher. This number may need to be updated each time that the voucher is generated.
- Invoice Date
- The current date is displayed. Optionally, select a different date to invoice the voucher.
- Distribution Date
- The current date is displayed. Optionally, select a different date for distribution.
- PO
- Select the purchase order number that authorized the purchase.
Optionally, specify this information:
- Purchase Amount
- Specify the line item total amount of the vendor invoice. Do not include freight, duty, brokerage, insurance, local freight, miscellaneous charges, or taxes.
- Freight
- Specify the freight charge on the voucher.
- Duty
- Specify the duty charges of the voucher.
- Brokerage
- Specify the brokerage charges of the voucher.
- Miscellaneous Charges
- Specify the miscellaneous charges of the voucher.
- Sales Tax
- Specify the amount of tax for Tax System (1) payable on this voucher.
- (Sales Tax 2)
- Specify the amount of tax for Tax System (2) payable on this voucher.
- Invoice Amount
- The sum of all the charges is displayed.
- Non-Discount Amount
- The amount of the invoice that is not calculated for the discount is displayed.
- Discount Amount
- The discounted amount of the recurring voucher is displayed.
- Proxy Code
- This default value is 0.
- Proxy Day
- Specify the day of the month following the invoice date, on which the voucher becomes due. For example, specify "10" to indicate that payment is due on the 10th of the month after the invoice date.
- Discount Percent
- Specify the allowable discount percentage, if payment is made by the discount date. For example, specify "5.000" to give a 5% discount if payment is made by the discount date.
- Discount Days
- Specify the number of days allowed after the invoice date during which the invoice payment qualifies for a discount. For example, specify 15 in this field to allow a discount if payment is received within 15 days of the invoice date.
- Discount Date
- The date by which you must pay this voucher to qualify for any discount is displayed. It is automatically calculated by adding the distribution date and the number of discount days. You can manually change this date. If the vendor does not offer a discount, accept the default date.
- Due Days
- Specify the number of days allowed after the invoice date before the invoice payment is due. For example, specify 30 to indicate that payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date. Leave this field blank to use the Proxy Day. The default value is obtained from the Due Days field of the Vendors form.
- Due Date
- Select the due date of the recurring voucher. Each month, when the voucher is generated, the month and year on the invoice are both updated.
- Currency
- The currency of the current vendor is displayed.
- A/P Account
- Select the number of the G/L account against which to post the transaction, or accept the default account from the Accounts Payable Parameters form.
- Account Description
- The description of the account is displayed.
- Reference
- The APRV reference number is displayed. Optionally, specify a G/L reference number.
- Save the record.
To distribute
the recurring voucher, click Distribution.
After you enter the recurring voucher and create a distribution for it (either manually or system-generated), the distribution record remains on file. You do not need to distribute each month unless the purchase amount changes. If this amount changes, you must update the distribution record to reflect the new amount.
Examples of these two situations are rent and utility bills. Typically, the rent amount is the same each month and so it is not necessary to distribute it each month. While a utility bill is recurring, the currency amount usually is different each month, in which case it would be necessary to redistribute it.
After vouchers are created and distribution is set up, you can generate recurring vouchers at each payment cycle.