Running the Inventory Below Safety Stock Report
Open the Inventory Below Safety Stock Report.
Specify this information:
- ABC Code
- Select the ABC codes to include in the report.
- Material Type
- Select the material types of items you want to include in the
- Source
- Select the source for the types of items you want to include
in the report: purchased and/or transferred.
- Exclude Zero Net Requirement Items
- Select this check box to exclude negative or zero net
requirement items.
- Include Transfers
- Select this check box to include transfers on the report.
- Stocked
- Select
Yes to show stocked items on the report,
No to show non-stocked items, or
Both to show both stocked and
non-stocked items.
- Display Report Header
- Select this check box to print report headers on the output.
For these fields, select the range of values to include in the
- Warehouse
- Item
- Product Code
- Planner Code
Preview to view the
output before printing.
Print to run the report
and view the output.