Accepting a Quick Order Payment
On the Service Orders form or Sales
Orders form, click Quick Order
Payment to open the Quick Order Payment form for
the current order.
The order number, customer number, and ship to number are displayed.
- The grid shows all of the order line items, their descriptions, and various quantities.
- Optionally, update the Qty To Invoice amount.
These values are displayed:
- Total Price
- Discount
- Total Tax
- Freight
- Invoice Total
- Misc Charges
Select the Payment Method to use
to process the order:
- On Account: Select this method to process the order through the normal A/R process. The Payment Received amount is set to zero and the field is disabled.
- Credit Card: If a successful credit card authorization exists for the selected order, this method is selected by default. The Payment Received amount is set to the Invoice Total amount and both fields are disabled.
- Cash: Select this method to process the order using cash. The Payment Received amount is set to the Invoice Total amount.
- Check: Select this method to process the order using a check. The Payment Received amount is set to the Invoice Total amount. If you select this payment method, the associated bank code is displayed and you are prompted to specify the check number.
- Optionally, for the credit card and cash payment types, specify any additional information in the Payment Memo field. This information is displayed in the Reference field on the A/R Posted Transactions Detail form.
- Click Process Payment.
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