Exporting Item Purchase Costs to a Spreadsheet

  1. Open the Item Purchase Costs Import/Export utility.
  2. On the Export tab, specify this information:
    Select the vendor for which you want to generate information.
    Select the item for which you want to generate information.
    Product Code
    Select the product code for which you want to generate information.
  3. Click Refresh to populate the grid with the filtered records and enable the Export button.
  4. Optionally, make changes to the grid records, if applicable.

    Click Clear All if to clear all the records in the grid.

    The grid fields are the same as those described in Step 2 above.

  5. Click Export to export the grid to a CSV file that is opened in Microsoft Excel.

The Item Purchase Cost button opens the Item Purchase Costs form.

  • The Item Defaults section of the form is used when new items must be created. If the value is not defined on the rows being imported, then the system assigns defaults using the selections here. Everything else not assigned from this area defaults using the values on the Inventory Parameters form.
  • A quick way to format a spreadsheet to use for importing is to first perform an export. After the file is saved to a location on the network, access and modify the contents or use it as reference for setting up a spreadsheet for importing vendor price book information.