Viewing Accounting Period Control Number Sequences

  1. Open the Accounting Period Control Number Sequences form.
  2. Specify the fiscal year you want to view, and turn off Filter-in-Place.
  3. These fields are populated based on the year:
    This check box is selected if the specified year is a closed fiscal year.
    Current Period
    The current periods from the Accounting Periods form are displayed for the specified year.
    Control Number Prefix
    The control number prefix is displayed. The control number prefix is a tracking identifier for a journal.
    Period Number
    The period number for the accompanying dates is displayed.
    Start/End Date
    The range of dates that make up the period is displayed.
    Last Control Number Sequence
    This number is used to default the journal control number.
    Sequence By
    For each control number prefix, select the order by which you want to sequence the control numbers. If you sequence by year, there is only one control number sequence. If you sequence by period, then each period has its own sequence.
  4. Click Account Periods to open the Accounting Periods form.