Creating a PO Requisition through a Cross Reference
You can use the Sales Order Lines, Service Order Transactions and Transfer Order Lines) to create a purchase order requisition. The general process for this is as follows.
button on many forms (includingNote: See Cross-Referencing
a PO Requisition to a Transfer Order for separate instructions for
transfer orders.
- Add a new record on the appropriate lines form.
- Select or enter a line item.
- Select Requisition in the Reference field. If this item's record on the Items form has the Stocked check box cleared and the Source Code set to Purchased, "Requisition" is automatically selected.
- If you want to cross-reference the demand order to an existing PO requisition, enter the requisition number in the unlabeled field next to the reference field and enter the requisition line number in the second unlabeled field.
- Save the record.
- Click to create the requisition. The message, "Cross-reference will be performed from the [demand type] to PO Requisition" displays.
- Click . The new requisition number and line display in the unlabeled reference fields.
- If needed, click the Purchase Order Requisition Lines form. You can modify the requisition as needed. button a second time to open the new line in the