Posting to General Ledger - Standard Costing
General Ledger Account Numbers Used
Before processing any transactions in the manufacturing modules you must set up the GL account numbers to use for posting to the inventory distribution journals. These account numbers can be found in the Product Codes, Departments, Purchasing Parameters, and Distribution Accounts forms.
The following list details the accounts you need to set up.
Product Codes - WIP
WIP Material
WIP Labor
WIP Fixed Overhead
WIP Variable Overhead
WIP Outside
Product Codes - Miscellaneous
Inventory Adjustment
Product Codes - Applied Overhead
Material Fixed Overhead Applied
Material Variable Overhead Applied
Product Codes - Variance
Purchase Cost
Material Usage
Product Codes - Labor Variance
Labor Rate
Labor Usage
Product Codes - Overhead Variance
Labor Fixed Overhead Usage
Labor Variable Overhead Usage
Material Fixed Overhead Usage
Material Variable Overhead Usage
Machine Fixed Overhead Usage
Machine Variable Overhead Usage
Purchasing Parameters
Vouchers Payable
Direct Labor Applied Account
Fixed Overhead Applied Account
Variable Overhead Applied Account
Although these rates default from this location, they are also maintainable at the Current Operations, Job Operations, and Estimate Operations forms.
Work Centers - Costing
Fixed Machine Overhead Applied Account
Variable Machine Overhead Applied Account
Although these rates default from this location, they are also maintainable at the Current Operations, Job Operations, and Estimate Operations forms.
Distribution Accounts - Inventory
Inventory Labor
Inventory Fixed Overhead
Inventory Variable Overhead
Inventory Outside
Distribution Accounts - Sales/Cost of Goods Sold
COGS Material
COGS Fixed Overhead
COGS Variable Overhead
COGS Outside
Distribution Accounts - In-Transit
In-Transit Material
In-Transit Labor
In-Transit Fixed Overhead
In-Transit Variable Overhead
In-Transit Outside
The inventory account number used for journal transactions does not come directly from the Distribution Accounts form. Rather, the inventory accounts used comes from the stock location being accessed when the transaction is performed.
When a stock location is added for an item in the Inventory module, an inventory account is entered for the location, and an account number for each cost detail component is added.
The default for these fields are the inventory account numbers in the Distribution Accounts file to which the item belongs.
To locate the inventory account numbers, the system searches, in the following order, for:
- An exact match for both the warehouse and the product code.
- A match for the product code and a blank warehouse.
- A match for the warehouse and a blank product code.
The system does not post to the G/L inventory distribution journals if any of the account numbers it is attempting to use are not set up.
Transaction Posting to the Inventory Distribution Journals
Outlined below is every transaction that is posted to the inventory distribution journals when standard costing is being used.
Purchasing Transactions
The following transactions are posted to the inventory distribution journal named PO Dist.
- Purchase Order Receipt:
Debit Credit Inventory xxxx Vouchers Payable xxxx Purchase Variance xxxx or xxxx Note: Since this transaction is for a purchased item, only inventory material cost details component is posted.- Inventory = (quantity received * standard unit cost from the Items form)
- Vouchers Payable = (quantity received * po unit cost)
- Purchase Variance = (qty received *(std unit cost - po unit cost))
The amount that inventory is debited is the quantity received multiplied by the item's standard unit cost: AID = QR * ISUC, where:
- AID = Amount that Inventory is Debited
- QR = Quantity Received
- ISUC = Item's Standard Unit Cost
Vouchers Payable is credited with quantity received multiplied by the purchase order line item unit cost. If there is a difference between the item's standard unit cost and the purchase order unit cost, the purchase cost variance account is either debited or credited with the difference, which balances the transaction.
If (ISUC - POUC) >> 0, then PCVA = DD or CD, where:
- ISUC = Item's Standard Unit Cost
- POUC = Purchase Order Line Item Unit Cost
- PCVA = Purchase Cost Variance Amount
- DD = Debited with the Difference
- CD = Credited with the Difference
- Purchase Order Return:
Debit Credit Vouchers Payable xxxx Inventory xxxx Purchase Variance xxxx or xxxx Note: Since this transaction is for a purchased item, only inventory material cost details component is posted.- Vouchers Payable = (quantity returned * po unit cost)
- Inventory = (quantity returned * Items standard unit cost)
- Purchase Variance = (qty returned *(std unit cost - po unit cost))
The amount that vouchers payable is debited is the quantity returned multiplied by the purchase order unit cost. Inventory is credited with quantity returned multiplied by the item's standard unit cost. If there is a difference between the item's standard unit cost and the purchase order unit cost the purchase cost variance account is either debited or credited with the difference, which balances the transaction.
- Voucher Generation:
Debit Credit a. If vouchered cost is greater than receipt cost: Vouchers Payable xxxx Purchase Variance xxxx Accounts Payable xxxx b. If vouchered cost is less than receipt cost: Vouchers Payable xxxx Purchase Variance xxxx Accounts Payable xxxx The previous transaction is created only if any line items were vouchered at a different cost than the cost at which they were received into inventory. (The cost at which the items were received into inventory is the line item unit cost field at the time of the receipt.)
Variance = (VP - AP), where:
- VP = (qty vouchered * received cost)
- AP = (qty vouchered * vouchered cost)
Production Transactions
The following transactions are posted to the inventory distribution journal named SF Dist.
- Job Material Issue:
Debit Credit WIP Material xxxx WIP Labor xxxx WIP Fixed Overhead xxxx WIP Variable Overhead xxxx WIP Outside xxxx Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx Fixed Material Overhead Applied xxxx Variable Material Overhead Applied xxxx At the time of issue, the work in process account is debited with the total standard cost of the material being issued plus the fixed and variable material overhead amounts:
WIPA = MC + (FMO * MC) + (VMO * MC), where:
- WIPA = WIP Amount
- MC = Material Cost
- FMO = Fix Material Overhead
- VMO = Variable Material Overhead
MC = SUC * QI, where:
- MC = Material Cost
- SUC = Standard Unit Cost of Material
- QI = Quantity Issued
Inventory is credited with the material cost shown above. The Overhead accounts are credited with the material cost multiplied by the material overhead rates.
- Job Material Withdrawal:
&nbap; Debit Credit Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx WIP Material xxxx WIP Labor xxxx WIP Fixed Overhead xxxx WIP Variable Overhead xxxx WIP Outside xxxx The amount used is the quantity withdrawn multiplied by the item's standard unit cost.
- Post Job Transaction:
Debit Credit WIP Material xxxx WIP Labor xxxx WIP Fixed Overhead xxxx WIP Variable Overhead xxxx WIP Outside xxxx Direct Labor Applied xxxx Fixed Overhead Applied xxxx Variable Overhead Applied xxxx Labor Rate Variance xxxx or xxxx Labor Usage Variance xxxx or xxxx Fixed Overhead Usage Variance xxxx or xxxx Variable Overhead Usage Variance xxxx or xxxx Work in process (WIP) is debited (increased) by what the labor and overhead should be for the transaction entered based on the standard run and setup times in the Job Operations record and the standard setup and run rates in the Work Centers form. The calculation varies depending on the type of job transaction being processed.
WIP amount for (S)etup transaction = [(SSH * WCSSR) * EFFICIENCY FACTOR] + [(SSH * DFOR) * EFFICIENCY FACTOR] + [(SSH * DVOR) * EFFICIENCY FACTOR], where:
- SSH = Standard Setup Hours
- WCSSR = Work Center Standard Setup Rate
- DFOR = Department Fixed Overhead Rate
- DVOR = Department Variable Overhead Rate
WIP amount for (R)un Transaction = [(AP * SRHU * WCSRR) * EFFICIENCY FACTOR] + [(AP * SRHU * DFOR) * EFFICIENCY FACTOR] + [(AP * SRHU * DVOR) * EFFICIENCY FACTOR], where:
- AP = Actual Pieces
- SRHU = Standard Run Hours (Labor) per Unit
- WCSRR = Work Center Standard Run Rate
- DFOR = Department Fixed Overhead Rate
- DVOR = Department Variable Overhead Rate
Direct labor applied, fixed overhead applied, and variable overhead applied amounts are based on the actual hours reported for the transaction:
WIP Amount for (C) Machine Transaction = [(AP * SRHMU * WCFOR) * Efficiency Factor] + [(AP * SRHMU * WCVOR) * Efficiency Factor], where:
- AP = Actual Pieces
- SRHMU = Standard Run Hours (Machine) per Unit
- WCFOR = Work Center Fixed Overhead Rate (Machine)
- WCVOR = Work Center Variable Overhead Rate (Machine)
FO = (AH * DFOR) or (M * MFOR), where:
- FO = Fixed Overhead
- AH = Actual Hours (Labor)
- DFOR = Department Fixed Overhead Rate
- M = Material
MFOR = Material Fixed Overhead Rate
VO = (AH * DVOR) or (Material * MFOR), where:
- VO = Variable Overhead
- AH = Actual Hours (Labor)
- DVOR = Department Variable Overhead Rate
- M = Material
- MFOR = Material Fixed Overhead Rate
An entry is made for labor rate variance if there is any difference between the actual employee manufacturing rate and the work center standard pay rate:
LRV = (MR - SR) * AH, where:
- LRV = Labor Rate Variance
- SR = Standard Rate
- MR = Manufacturing Rate
- AH = Actual Hours (Labor)
A labor usage variance, fixed overhead variance, and variable overhead variance are posted if the actual hours are less than (<) or greater than (>) the time it should have taken to complete the pieces that were reported:
LUV = ((((SRHU / EF) * PC) - AH) * SPR), where:
- LUV = Labor Usage Variance
- SRHU = Standard Run Hours per Unit
- PC = Pieces Complete
- AH = Actual Hours (Labor)
- SPR = Standard Pay Rate
- EF = Efficiency Factor (100/ER)
- ER = Efficiency Rate
- WCSSR = Work Center Standard Setup Rate
FOUV = (((SRHU / EF) * PC) - AH) * DFOR), where:
- FOUV = Fixed Overhead Usage Variance
- SRHU = Standard Run Hours per Unit
- PC = Pieces Complete
- AH = Actual Hours (Labor)
- DFOR = Department Fixed Overhead Rate
- SSHU = Standard Setup Hours per unit
- EF = Efficiency Factor (100/ER)
- ER = Efficiency Rate
VOUV = (((SRHU / ER)* PC) - AH) * DVOHR), where:
- VOUV = Variable Overhead Usage Variance
- SRHU = Standard Run Hours per Unit
- PC = Pieces Complete
- AH = Actual Hours (Labor)
- DVOHR = Department Variable Overhead Rate
- SSHU = Standard Setup Hours per Unit
- ER = Efficiency Rate
FMOUV = (((SRHU / ER) * PC) - AH)) * WCFOR, where:
- FMOUV = Fixed Machine Overhead Usage Variance
- SRHU = Standard Run Hours (Machine) Per Unit
- PC = Pieces Complete
- AH = Actual Hours (Machine)
- WCFOR = Work Center Fixed Overhead Rate (Machine)
- ER = Efficiency Rate
VMOUV = (((SRHU / ER) * PC)- AH)) * WCVOR, where:
- VMOUV = Variable Machine Overhead Usage Variance
- WCVOR = Work Center Variable Overhead Rate (Machine)
- ER = Efficiency Rate
- Job Finish (Put to Stock):
Debit Credit Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx WIP Material xxxx WIP Labor xxxx WIP Fixed Overhead xxxx WIP Variable Overhead xxxx WIP Outside xxxx Both inventory and WIP are posted with the quantity being put to stock multiplied by the Items form's standard unit cost of the item being moved to inventory.
xxxx = (quantity completed * Items standard unit cost)
- Job Close:
If the quantity of any material issued is more or less than the standard quantity required, the following accounts are adjusted:
- Material Usage Variance
- Fixed Material Overhead Usage Variance
- Variable Material Overhead Usage Variance
- WIP Material
- WIP Labor
- WIP Fixed Overhead
- WIP Variable Overhead
- WIP Outside
The material usage variance amount is the difference between the standard quantity required and the actual quantity issued, extended by the standard cost of the material.
The overhead variance amounts are material usage variance extended by the fixed and variable material overhead rates.
If subsequent to this transaction there is any remaining WIP amount (+ or -), the following adjustment is made.
Debit Credit a. If remaining WIP amount is greater than (>) 0 then: Routing Variance xxxx WIP Material xxxx WIP Labor xxxx WIP Fixed Overhead xxxx WIP Variable Overhead xxxx WIP Outside xxxx b. If remaining WIP amount is less than (<) 0 then: WIP Material xxxx WIP Labor xxxx WIP Fixed Overhead xxxx WIP Variable Overhead xxxx WIP Outside xxxx Routing Variance xxxx This transaction may be necessary since the WIP account is increased with amounts that are based on the standard times and rates that are established for the job. The decrease of the WIP in the job finish transaction is based on the standard cost of the item being manufactured. If the total standards for the job do not match the standard unit cost of the item, this adjustment to WIP needs to be made.
If the job is not closed at the time the job transaction is posted, the above transaction is posted at the time the status of the job is manually changed from (R)eleased to (C)omplete.
Inventory Control Transactions
The following transactions (unless otherwise specified) are posted to the inventory distribution journal named IC Dist.
- Inventory Adjustment Transaction:
Debit Credit a. Increase quantity: Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx Inventory Adjustment xxxx b. Decrease quantity: Inventory Adjustment xxxx Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx The amount used for an inventory adjustment transaction is the adjustment quantity multiplied by the standard unit cost of the item.
Cycle counting and physical inventory posting create transactions like the transactions depicted previously. Either transaction a or b is created, depending on whether the count quantity is greater than (>) or less than (<) the original quantity.
- Inventory Move:
Debit Credit Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx This transaction is only posted if the From and To locations specified on the form have different inventory accounts tied to them. The amount used is the move quantity times the standard unit cost.
- Location Update:
A transaction is created if you change the inventory account tied to the location. (The example assumes that all cost details accounts are changed.)
Debit Credit Inventory (New accounts) Inventory Material Cost 1101 xxxx Inventory Labor Cost 1102 xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead Cost 1103 xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead Cost 1104 xxxx Inventory Outside Cost 1105 xxxx Inventory (Old accounts) Inventory Material Cost 1001 xxxx Inventory Labor Cost 1002 xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead Cost 1003 xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead Cost 1004 xxxx Inventory Outside Cost 1005 xxxx The amount used is the quantity at the location multiplied by the standard unit cost of the item.
- Location Insertion:
Debit Credit Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx Inventory Adjustment xxxx This transaction is only posted if a quantity is entered for the location at the same time it is added. The amount is the quantity entered multiplied by the item's standard unit cost.
- Roll Current Cost to Std Cost utility:
Debit Credit a. If the new standard is greater than (>) old standard: Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx Inventory Adjustment xxxx b. If the new standard is less than (<) old standard: Inventory Adjustment xxxx Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx - Miscellaneous Receipt:
Debit Credit Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx Account Entered xxxx Purchase Cost xxxx xxxx The amount used is the quantity entered multiplied by the item's standard unit cost.
The credit account is the GL account number entered by you. The account defaults to the item's Inventory Adjustment account.
All variances are posted to the account found in the Purchase Cost field on the item's Product Codes form.
- Miscellaneous Issue:
Debit Credit Account Entered xxxx Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx The amount used is the quantity entered multiplied by the item's standard unit cost.
The debit account is the GL account number you entered. The account defaults to the item's Inventory Adjustment account.
- Job Issue:
The following transactions are posted to the inventory distribution journal named SF Dist.
Debit Credit WIP Material xxxx WIP Labor xxxx WIP Fixed Overhead xxxx WIP Variable Overhead xxxx WIP Outside xxxx Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx Fixed Material Overhead Applied xxxx Variable Material Overhead Applied xxxx At the time of issue, the work in process account is debited and the inventory account is credited with the standard unit cost of the item issued multiplied by the quantity issued plus overhead. At the time of job close, the material quantity variance is calculated, the work in process account debited, and the material usage variance account credited.
Debit Credit Material Usage Variance xxxx WIP Material xxxx WIP Labor xxxx WIP Fixed Overhead xxxx WIP Variable Overhead xxxx WIP Outside xxxx - Job Receipt:
The following transactions are posted to the inventory distribution journal named SF Dist.
Debit Credit Inventory Material xxxx Inventory Labor xxxx Inventory Fixed Overhead xxxx Inventory Variable Overhead xxxx Inventory Outside xxxx WIP Material xxxx WIP Labor xxxx WIP Fixed Overhead xxxx WIP Variable Overhead xxxx WIP Outside xxxx Both inventory and WIP are posted with the quantity being put to stock multiplied by the Item Maintenance standard unit cost of the item being moved to inventory.
xxx = (quantity completed * item standard unit cost)
If, subsequent to this transaction, there is any remaining WIP amount (+ or -) the following adjustment is made.
Debit Credit a. If remaining WIP amount is greater than (>) 0: Other WIP Variance (Routing Variance) xxxx WIP Material xxxx WIP Labor xxxx WIP Fixed Overhead xxxx WIP Variable Overhead xxxx WIP Outside xxxx b. If remaining WIP amount is less than (<) 0: WIP Material xxxx WIP Labor xxxx WIP Fixed Overhead xxxx WIP Variable Overhead xxxx WIP Outside xxxx Other WIP Variance (Routing Variance) xxxx