Invoice Length
Specify the invoice number length in this field. We recommend that you set this field to 12, which is the maximum.
Follow these rules when
setting up the invoice number length on the Accounts Receivable Parameters form:
- This should be one of the very first tasks you perform when setting up your system. Until the invoice length is set, you cannot run any of the invoice processing forms.
- The invoice number length must be the same for all sites in the system. It must be set at each site; it cannot be replicated to the other sites. When you enter a value here, the system verifies it against the Invoice Length value set for other sites - if the other sites are replicating at least one category containing the coparms_all table with this site.
- Once the Invoice Length field is set to a non-null value, the value can never be updated.
- We recommend that you set this length and save the parameter record while no other users are in the system. After you save the change, the system updates about 50 database tables, so it will take a long time to process.
- Log out and log back in.