Exchange Rate
On the A/P Payments form, enter the exchange rate for the payment. The value you enter here displays on the A/P Payment Distributions form. Note that this field is accessible only if the domestic currency code is not the same as the bank's currency code.
On the A/P Quick Payment Application form, the exchange rate between the domestic currency and the vendor's currency is displayed for the payment. For open payments, you must book a gain/loss transaction if the exchange rate on the payment is different than the exchange rate on the voucher or adjustment. The payment will go to A/P Posted Transactions with the same exchange rate as the open payment. The voucher will not be revalued.
On the Generate A/P Transactions form, if any purchase order referred to in the vendor's invoice has a Fixed Rate, that rate determines what purchase orders can be included in the voucher. Only purchase order lines with the same fixed exchange rate can be included in the voucher. The activity selects such lines when it creates pending material distribution lines on the PO Selection tab. A voucher can include multiple variable-rate purchase orders.