Creating a Mass Item Stockroom Location Record

Note: A transfer location is not created if it would be the only location for an item at a warehouse.
  1. On the Item Stockroom Location Mass Creation form, specify this information:
    Starting/Ending Item
    Select a range of items to include in the utility.
    Select the warehouse in which to create the new item stockroom. The default warehouse comes from the Inventory Parameters form, but you can override the default by selecting a different warehouse.
    Select a location within the warehouse for the items.
  2. Select Rental Inventory to indicate that a location is a rental location.
  3. Select Non-Nettable to indicate that the item is non-nettable at this location.

    Non-nettable stock has these restrictions:

    • You cannot ship from a non-nettable location.
    • Non-nettable locations are not be considered for replenishment during the Item Warehouse Planning process
  4. In the Type field, the location type is displayed: stock or transit.
  5. Select Permanent to indicate that a location is permanent.
  6. Click Process to run the utility and create the record.