About Adding a Multi-Site Vendor

This topic describes adding a multi-site vendor.

You may want an administrator to control adding, updating, and deleting vendors across the system. Keep in mind that each site can control its local vendor records, and these records are independent of other sites.

Filter (Local Site Data) vs. New (Global Data)

When filtering is used in the Vendors form, only the local site's vendors are shown:

  • Right-click > Find brings up the Vendors Query form, where you can find vendor records for the local site.
  • The Vendor field drop-down lists only the current site's vendors.

In New mode (after clicking the New button or selecting Actions > New), all shared sites' vendors are shown:

  • Right-click > Find brings up the Multi-Site Vendors Query form, where you can find vendor records for the local site or any shared site. (You can then choose to add a shared vendor to the Vendors form on the local site.)
  • The Vendor field drop-down lists all shared sites' vendors.

Copying Vendor Records

Another way to duplicate vendor records in multiple sites is to create the records in one site, export them to a spreadsheet, and import the spreadsheet into the Vendors form at the new site. (Make sure the form's grid columns are arranged in the same order at both sites.)

If your sites are accessible through a single computer, you also may be able to use the Right-click > Copy feature to copy the vendor rows from the Vendors form on one site and then use Edit > Paste Rows Append to add them in the Vendors form at the other site.

Validation of certain fields is based on the site where you are adding the record.