Running Physical Inventory Count Posting
Note: You cannot post physical inventory records if the reserved quantity is greater than
the physical count for that record. If this occurs, an error message is displayed during
the posting process. You then have the option to continue with the physical inventory
posting process or quit.
The records do not post until the reserved quantity is reduced either by the Reserve/Unreserve Inventory Utility, or manually from the Reservations For Item form.
- Open the Physical Inventory Count Posting utility.
- Verify that you have the correct warehouse selected.
- Click to update the quantity on hand and create journal entries for adjustments.
- Upon completion, review any records that remain on either the Input/Update Tag or Input/Update Sheet form. These are records that would not post due to errors.
- Open the Physical Inventory Records Purge form to purge any records that were not posted.
Note: If only zero balance or invalid physical inventory records remain, you can use this
alternative to purge inventory records.