Reversing a Voucher Generated from Purchasing
To reverse an incorrect voucher, you must post the incorrect voucher to the A/P Posted Transactions form. The following steps require an adjustment voucher to be generated against the original voucher.
- Open the Purchase Order Receiving form.
- In the Vendor field, select the vendor for the PO for which you generated the incorrect voucher. The purchase order lines for the selected vendor display in the grid.
- In the Select field, select the check box for the appropriate PO line.
- Select the DR Return check box for the selected line.
- In the Receive Qty field, specify the positive quantity that needs to be debited.
- In the Reason Code field, select the appropriate user-defined return reason code.
- On the Detail tab, in the Location and Lot fields, enter the location and lot to which the item should be returned.
- Click .
- Open the Generate A/P Transactions form.
- In the Vendor field, filter to the appropriate vendor.
- In the Voucher or Adjustment field, select Adjustment. Click to the message "All selection information will be reset."
- In the Voucher field, select the original voucher number.
- Select the PO Selection tab.
- Select the Purchase Order.
- In the Material field, enter the adjustment amount (enter a positive value).
- Click .