BBMEFT EFT Output Format

This topic describes BBMEFT EFT output format.
Database Table and Column Description Format
vendor.EFT_bank_num Vendor bank sort code 99-99-99
N/A Separator ','
first 18 characters of vendor.account_name if not null; else first 18 characters of Service Management vendor name, or vendor account name. This is reference information. string, length 18
N/A Separator ','
Sum of all appmtd.dom_amt_paid if the vendor's currency code = currparms.curr_code for a payment; else sum of all apppmtd.for_amt_paid for a payment Payment amount string of length 10, leading spaces converted to zeros and decimal point removed
N/A Always set to 'EFT' 'EFT'
appmt.check-num check number integer, field as long as required for number
N/A Always set to '99' integer
N/A Separator '/'
Note:  There are no spaces except as specified and each EFT output file line corresponds to one payment record. Use '/' to delimit the end of each record.


11-22-33,Bicycle Parts Comp,10020032,0000001500,EFT7,99/

11-22-33,Bicycle Parts Comp,01234568,0000002000,EFT82,99/