Purging Physical Inventory Records

  1. Open the Physical Inventory Records Purge form.
  2. Select the warehouse from which you want to purge records.
  3. Select Preview and click Process to view the results before saving them in the database.
  4. Select Commit and click Process to run the purge and save the results.
  5. This information is displayed in the grid:
    The item number is displayed.
    The location of the item is displayed.
    The lot where the item is maintained is displayed.
    Posting Status
    The current posting status of the Physical Inventory record is displayed:
    • Approved: The sheet count is approved by the Physical Inventory Supervisor and is waiting to be posted to Items. Those sheets with a status of Approved may not be updated.
    • Posted: The sheet count is posted to Items and may not be updated.
    • Voided: The sheet count has been voided through the Void Tags/Sheets option.
    If the item is serial-tracked, the serial number is displayed.

Although the contents of the file are erased, an audit trail of the physical inventory posting is available. The Item/Warehouse file contains two fields for reference purposes:

  • Physical Inventory Count
  • Physical Inventory Date

The Physical Inventory Count field contains the quantity counted and the Physical Inventory Date field contains the date the posting occurred.

Note: These fields are not displayed on the Item Warehouse form, but are stored in the file and can be accessed by the query editor.

Another audit trail is available through the Pre-Adjustment Report that is printed before the Physical Inventory file is posted.