Paying for Purchases with a Credit Card
When you use a credit card to pay for a purchase from a vendor, you must show the purchase under the purchase vendor. You also must remit the payment to the credit card vendor.
To set up a credit card for this purpose, create a bank code for the credit card on the Bank Reconciliations form. On this form, the cash account for the credit card's bank code should be some type of clearing account. To activate the new bank code, add a bank reconciliation transaction type for "Check."
After you create the new bank code for the credit card, you can perform these tasks:
- Receive and create a voucher for the purchase order as you would for a regular purchase.
- Create a payment using the credit card's bank code for the vendors and vouchers.
- Print and post the checks.
- Add a manual voucher to the credit card vendor for the total amount. Use the same clearing account used by the credit card bank code for the distribution on this manual voucher. This way, the vendor's purchases YTD remain intact, and the payment is remitted to the credit card vendor.