Open the Order Shipping form.
Select the order that you want to ship.
Optionally, select values for these header fields to apply additional
- Customer
- Ship To
- Warehouse
- Ship Via
- Taken By
Optionally, make changes to this information in the grid:
- Ship Date
- Item
- Warehouse
- Location
- Lot
- U/M
- Quantity
- Quantity Reserved
- Quantity Remaining
- Quantity to Ship
- Ship Via
- Vendor Drop Ship
- Reference
- Reference Number
- Reference Line Suffix
- Reference Released
- Last Received Date
- SPA Number
Select individual lines to ship or click Select
All to ship all the lines in the grid.
Click Ship Line to ship the order.
Use the buttons on this form as described here:
- Click Serials to launch the Service Serials modal form, where you
can view or generate serial numbers for the associated item.
- Click Picklist to print an Order Pick
List for the Order of the selected line.