Viewing Posted A/R Transactions
Open the Posted Transactions - A/R form in one of these ways:
- Click Transaction Detail on the Journal Entries form, when you are working with the A/R Distribution Journal.
- Click Sequence Detail on the G/L Posted Transactions form.
This information is displayed for the transaction:
- Sequence
- The sequence number of the transaction displayed.
- Customer
- The number of the customer whose posted transactions you are viewing is displayed.
- (Customer Name)
- The name of the customer is displayed.
- Journal
- The distribution journal is displayed.
- From Site
- The site ID that is associated with the transaction is displayed.
- Currency
- The currency associated with the transaction is displayed.
- Number
- The invoice, debit memo, or credit memo number associated with the transaction is displayed.
- Apply to Invoice
- One of these values is displayed:
- For invoice-type transactions, the invoice number is displayed.
- For Open Credit Memo, Open Debit Memo, and Open Payment-type transactions, 0 is displayed.
- For Open Finance Charge-type transactions, -1 is displayed.
- For Credit Memo, Debit Memo, or Payment-type records applied to Finance Charges, -1 is displayed.
- For Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Finance Charge, or Payment-type records applied to invoices, the invoice to which the transaction is applied is displayed.
- Type
- The transaction type is displayed:
- Invoice
- Payment
- Debit Memo
- Credit Memo
- Finance Charge
- Order
- The order number associated with the transaction is displayed if the transaction is an invoice, a debit memo, or a credit memo. If there are multiple delivery orders associated with a selected transaction, no order number is displayed.
- (Invoice) Description
- A description of the associated invoice, debit memo, or credit memo is displayed.
- A/R Account
- The A/R account number to which the transaction has been posted is displayed.
- Invoice Date
- The date of the invoice, debit, or finance charge transaction is displayed. This field is blank for payments and credits.
- Issue Date
- The issue date of the invoice, debit memo or credit memo is displayed.
- Due/Paid
- The due date of the invoice or the check receipt date of the payment is displayed.
- Discount Date
- The discount date of the posted transaction is displayed.
- Amount
- The amount of the invoice, debit memo, credit memo, finance charge, or check (if the transaction is a payment) is displayed.
- Discount Allowance
- The amount of the discount or allowance given to the customer on the transaction is displayed.
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