Viewing Posted A/R Transactions

  1. Open the Posted Transactions - A/R form in one of these ways:
    • Click Transaction Detail on the Journal Entries form, when you are working with the A/R Distribution Journal.
    • Click Sequence Detail on the G/L Posted Transactions form.
  2. This information is displayed for the transaction:
    The sequence number of the transaction displayed.
    The number of the customer whose posted transactions you are viewing is displayed.
    (Customer Name)
    The name of the customer is displayed.
    The distribution journal is displayed.
    From Site
    The site ID that is associated with the transaction is displayed.
    The currency associated with the transaction is displayed.
    The invoice, debit memo, or credit memo number associated with the transaction is displayed.
    Apply to Invoice
    One of these values is displayed:
    • For invoice-type transactions, the invoice number is displayed.
    • For Open Credit Memo, Open Debit Memo, and Open Payment-type transactions, 0 is displayed.
    • For Open Finance Charge-type transactions, -1 is displayed.
    • For Credit Memo, Debit Memo, or Payment-type records applied to Finance Charges, -1 is displayed.
    • For Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Finance Charge, or Payment-type records applied to invoices, the invoice to which the transaction is applied is displayed.
    The transaction type is displayed:
    • Invoice
    • Payment
    • Debit Memo
    • Credit Memo
    • Finance Charge
    The order number associated with the transaction is displayed if the transaction is an invoice, a debit memo, or a credit memo. If there are multiple delivery orders associated with a selected transaction, no order number is displayed.
    (Invoice) Description
    A description of the associated invoice, debit memo, or credit memo is displayed.
    A/R Account
    The A/R account number to which the transaction has been posted is displayed.
    Invoice Date
    The date of the invoice, debit, or finance charge transaction is displayed. This field is blank for payments and credits.
    Issue Date
    The issue date of the invoice, debit memo or credit memo is displayed.
    The due date of the invoice or the check receipt date of the payment is displayed.
    Discount Date
    The discount date of the posted transaction is displayed.
    The amount of the invoice, debit memo, credit memo, finance charge, or check (if the transaction is a payment) is displayed.
    Discount Allowance
    The amount of the discount or allowance given to the customer on the transaction is displayed.