Generating a PO Receiving List

  1. On the PO Receiving List form, specify this information:
    Receiving Warehouse
    Select the warehouse for which you want to print the PO receiving list. The current warehouse is displayed by default.
    Select the purchase order for which you want to print a list of items.
    Post As Of Date
    The current date is displayed by default. Optionally, select a different posting date to use on the list.
    Post Material Receipts
    Select this check box if you want the system to post material receipts.
    Print Bar Code
    Select this check box if you want to include bar codes on your receiving list.
    Print Vendor Item
    Select this check box if you want to include the vendor item number for each line/release item on the report.
    Display Report Header
    Select this check box to print report headers on the output.
  2. Click Print.