Setting Up Additional Information on the Purchase Orders Form

  1. Open the Purchase Orders form.
  2. The Address tab lists the vendor and vendor address. Optionally, select an alternate address to use.
  3. In the Drop Ship To field, select where shipments are to be sent:
    • When you select Warehouse, the system prompts for the warehouse in which to fill the purchase order.
    • When you select Drop Ship To, the system prompts for the drop ship to number associated with the desired address.
    • When you select Customer, the system prompts for the associated customer number and the ship to sequence number for the desired address.
    • When you select Partner, the system prompts for the associated partner number for the desired address.
    • When you select Hold For Pick-Up, there is no additional information required.
  4. Specify this information on the General tab:
    Select the name of the person who is responsible for this purchase order.
    The free on board value for the vendor is displayed. Optionally, specify a different value.
    Vendor Type
    The type of vendor is displayed.
    The category assigned to the vendor is displayed.
    Last Invoice
    The last invoice number is displayed after the invoice for the PO is received from the vendor.
    The number of the PO requisition is displayed, if applicable.
    SX.e PO
    When the SX.e integration is enabled, the SX.e purchase order number is displayed.
    Print Price
    Select this check box if you want to print the prices for the line/release items on the PO.
  5. The Contacts tab lists information for the main contact person for the vendor.
  6. This information is displayed on the Amounts tab based on the vendor:
    • Invoice date
    • G/L distribution date
    • Vendor currency
    • Exchange rate
    • Prepaid amount
    • Accumulated freight
    • Accumulated duty
    • Accumulated brokerage
    • Accumulated insurance
    • Accumulated local freight
    • Accumulated miscellaneous charges
    • Sales tax
    • Total cost
  7. The fields on the Tax Info tab are active only if Active for Purchasing is selected on the Tax Systems form. If applicable, specify this information:
    Tax Code
    Select the tax code to specify the tax due for Tax System 1 on this PO.
    Freight Code
    Select the tax code for use in calculating taxes on freight.
    Miscellaneous Charges Tax
    Select the tax code to use when calculating the tax due on miscellaneous charges.
    Note: These tax fields should be blank or exempt for area-based tax systems, and should have a rate tax code for item-based tax systems.
  8. For European countries, specify this information on the Tax Info tab:
    Select the nature of transaction code to use for this PO. A description of the code is displayed.
    Delivery Terms
    Select the code for the terms of delivery that you want to use. A description of the code is displayed.
    Process Indicator
    Specify the code for the process indicator, which is used in setting up the EC Sales List Report for companies in European Community (EC) countries. Specify an I in this field if you are:
    • Sending processed goods to another EC country.
    • Sending goods to be processed in another EC country.
    If the goods are being sent for repair in another EC country, leave this field blank.
  9. Use the Landed Cost tab to allocate landed costs for the PO. Specify this information for the freight vendor, duty vendor, and brokerage vendor:
    Freight/Duty/Brokerage Vendor
    Select the vendors to whom freight, duty, and brokerage costs should be paid. The name of the vendor is displayed.
    Freight/Duty/Brokerage Allocation Type
    Select the allocation type for the costs: percent or amount.
    Freight/Duty/Brokerage Currency
    The currency is displayed for each vendor.
    Freight/Duty/Brokerage Allocation Method
    If you selected Amount for your Allocation Type, select the allocation method for the costs: cost, weight, or units.
    Freight/Duty/Brokerage Allocation Percent
    If you selected Percent for your allocation type, specify the allocation percent amount for the costs.
    Estimated Freight/Duty/Brokerage
    If you selected Amount for your Allocation Type, specify the estimated costs.
    Actual Freight/Duty/Brokerage
    This field automatically updates when you generate a landed cost voucher.
  10. Save the record.

Use the buttons on the form as described here:

  • Click Lines to open the Purchase Order Lines form, filtered for the current PO.
  • Click Purchase Order Receiving to open the Purchase Order Receiving form, filtered for the current PO.
  • Click Package Tracking to open the Package Tracking form, filtered for purchase orders.
  • Click Interactions to open the Interactions form.
  • Click Print Purchase Order to open the Purchase Order Report form for the current purchase order.