Setting Integration Parameters
- Open the Integration Parameters form.
Select the integration for which you are setting BOD
- Inforce
- Infor CRM
- SX.e
- Select Save Outbound BODs to enable the use of the BOD Debugging form, where you can view stored outbound BODs that have been processed and removed from the outbox.
- Select Enable Error BODs to make the Error (Confirm) BODs visible in ION. If this option is not selected, you can review the inbound BOD processing errors on the BOD Error Processing form.
Select Enable IDM Integration for
Reports to enable the Infor Document Management (IDM) templates.
When enabled, the XML handling routines produce report outputs in the IDM. The
report outputs include searchable attributes.
Note: All reports are stored in the IDM.
On the General tab, select the default
settings to use for these fields:
- Cost Method
- This field is required for Distribution SX.e. Select a method that determines how inventory
items assign the cost of an item when removed from inventory:
- Specific
- Standard
- Average
- Unit/Serial
Note: Because inventory costing is handled by Distribution SX.e, we recommend that you select Average to let low-level Service Management routines process straightforwardly. - Inventory Adjustment
- Select an account number. This account number is used by low-level ISM routines to capture certain inventory adjustments. Because Distribution SX.e is the system of record for inventory management, these entries are not suitable for any aggregate analysis.
- Miscellaneous Receipt Reason Code
- Select the miscellaneous receipt reason code to use by default. These are set up on the Miscellaneous Receipt Reason Codes form.
- Default Obsolete Reason Code
- Select a reason code to use by default
when an item becomes obsolete. These are set up on the Obsolete Slow Moving Reason Codes
If you are integrated with Distribution SX.e, when Distribution SX.e sends a product status of Inactive, the item Material Status is updated to Obsolete and the associated Reason code is displayed on the Items form in Service Management.
- U/M
- This field is required for Distribution SX.e. Specify the default unit of measurement to use.
Because Distribution SX.e is the source for U/M values, set this parameter after those values have been integrated from Distribution SX.e. These values integrate from Distribution SX.e through the CodeDefinition BOD.
- Bank Code
- This field is required for Distribution SX.e. Select the default bank code to use.
- Terms Code
- This field is required for Distribution SX.e. Select the default terms code to use. The terms
code is used to identify specific billing terms that apply to this
customer or this order. This value displays as the default when you
enter invoice and debit transactions. The terms code is used when
determining the transaction due date and the discount information.
The code entered here must be in the terms code file.
Because Distribution SX.e is the source for terms codes, set this parameter after those codes have been integrated from Distribution SX.e. These values integrate from Distribution SX.e through the CodeDefinition BOD.
The terms code is used to identify specific billing terms that apply to a customer or order. This value is displayed as the default when you enter invoice and debit transactions. The terms code is used when determining the transaction due date and the discount information. The code entered here must be in the terms code file.
- Salesperson Classification
- Select the salesperson classification to use by default. You can set up salesperson classifications on the Salesperson Classifications form.
For a Distribution SX.e integration, specify this information on the
SX.e tab:
- Company Number
Specify the company number provided by Distribution SX.e.
- Logical ID
- Specify the logical ID that you used in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le for the Distribution SX.e integration.
- Web Service URL
- Specify the web service URL provided by Distribution SX.e.
- User ID
- Specify the user ID provided by Distribution SX.e.
- Password
Specify a password to use. The password is encrypted and is displayed as asterisks. A password is not required by Distribution SX.e.
- Confirm Password
- If using a password, confirm it.
- ION API Credentials
- Specify the authentication information used to connect to ION API that you obtained in ION. See the Infor Distribution SX.e Integration Guide for Infor Service Management for more information.
- Auto Allocation Core Returns
- To enable the auto-allocation of dirty core items on
service orders, select this option.
When this option is selected and a dirty core return material transaction is entered on the Service Order Transactions form, the dirty core return material transaction is automatically allocated to the related remanufactured core item. The Core Trans Number field on the return material transaction identifies the transaction number of the related remanufactured core product.
For a Distribution SX.e integration, specify this information on the
- Alphanumeric Ship To Starting Number
- Specify the starting integer value to use when the Distribution SX.e ShipTo value is alpha numeric.
The default value is zero. You must reset the value before the initial BOD load to retain the numeric Distribution SX.e ShipToID in Service Management. For SX.e Alpha numeric ShipTo, the system assigns the next available Service Management customer ship to number that is greater than or equal to the starting number specified on this form. However, if the value of the Distribution SX.e ShipTo ID is numeric but greater than the starting number specified or the number already exists in Service Management, it will be treated as alpha numeric.
We recommend that you specify 90000000 as the starting number. This will help to reduce potential errors.
- Salesperson Selection
- Select whether you want to use the internal
Distribution SX.e salesperson on the sales order or an
external salesperson.
When Internal is selected, the salesperson or customer ship-tos are updated with the internal Distribution SX.e salesperson from the CustomerPartyMaster/ShipToPartyMaster BOD when the BOD is received from Distribution SX.e. When External is selected, the external salesperson is used instead.
- Sync Invoice Email
- This setting determines if order invoicing or contract invoicing tasks on the
Customer Document Profile
form are automatically created or updated. This is based on the
invoice email addresses from Customer
Setup records in Distribution SX.e. The
invoice email addresses are included in the Sync.CustomerPartyMaster
BOD, which is generated when the initial data load is performed, or
a customer record is created or updated. Note: When you update an existing customer record, only changes to certain values generate a CustomerPartyMaster BOD. A change to the invoice email address field does not generate a BOD.
If you do change another value on the customer record that generates a BOD, the invoice email addresses are included in the BOD. The Customer Document Profile is automatically maintained. If you do not change a value that generates a BOD, manually maintain the Customer Document Profile to keep the records in sync. You can determine if a BOD was generated in ION or ION Desk.
Select one of these values:- Neither: Neither order invoicing or contract invoicing tasks are automatically created or updated, based on invoice email addresses. You must create the tasks manually.
- Order Invoicing: If a customer and ship to record for order invoicing task does not exist, an order invoicing task is created. If a customer and ship to record for order invoicing exists, the Destination field is updated with the invoice email addresses in the BOD.
- Contract Invoicing: If a customer and ship to record for order invoicing does not exist, a record is created. If a customer and ship to record for contract invoicing exists, the Destination field is updated with the invoice email addresses in the BOD.
- Both: Creates and updates both order invoicing and contract invoicing tasks.
- Default Warranty Code
- Select a warranty code to use by default.
This code must be set up on the Warranty
Codes form first, and should have a Warranty Type
of Vendor and Warranty Start Date
Basis of Manual.
If you perform a quick start implementation, then this value is automatically set to a warranty code named SXE.
This code is used to create a unit warranty record when the Sync.Invoice BOD is sent from Distribution SX.e. In Distribution SX.e, if a serialized product is invoiced on a sales order that has an associated warranty, that warranty is tracked on the created unit. This process is done through the consumption of the Sync.Invoice BOD.
- Mileage Misc Code
- This field is for use with the Warranty Claim BOD. Select the code to use for mileage on warranty claim SRO miscellaneous transactions. These miscellaneous transactions will be consolidated into transportation costs on the Warranty Claim BOD.
- Mileage U/M
- This field is for use with the Warranty Claim BOD. Select the unit of measure to use in the transportation code in the Warranty Claim BOD.
- Retry Invoice BOD
- Select this check box if you want to automatically retry the Process.Invoice BOD when it fails.
- Retry Service Order BOD with Invoice BOD
- Select this check box if you want to automatically resend the Sync.ServiceOrder BOD when the Process.Invoice BOD fails with the reason "Sales order for service order not found."
- Maximum Number of Retries
- When the Retry Invoice BOD field is selected, specify the maximum number of times to retry sending the BOD.
- Retry After
- When the Retry Invoice BOD field is selected, specify the number of seconds to wait between receiving an acknowledgement and resending the Process.Invoice BOD.
- Cost Type
- Select a cost type from the list. This selected cost type from Distribution SX.e is used to populate service order material transactions. By default, the General Ledger cost type is selected.
- Include Addons
- To include add-ons, select this check box.
- Auto Create Item U/M
- Select this check box if you want to
automatically create a unit of measure for an item that was created
through an ItemMasterBOD when a U/M has not already been provided
through the CodeDefinitionBOD from Distribution SX.e.
If you clear the check box, and the Distribution SX.e U/M does not fit in the Service Management field, an error BOD is produced and rejected. See Processing BOD errors for more information.
Note: Distribution SX.e allows users to specify a new unit of measure on their items even if the U/M does not already exist in the unit of measure code definition. When the new U/M is sent to Service Management through the ItemMasterBOD, the Auto Create Item UoM field determines if Service Management will map it on the fly.Distribution SX.e allows four characters for U/M but Service Management only allows three characters.
These rules are applied when processing a new U/M through the ItemMasterBOD:
- If Distribution SX.e U/M <= three characters, create Service Management U/M using Distribution SX.e U/M.
- If Distribution SX.e U/M > three characters, truncate Distribution SX.e U/M to two characters and add a number at the end.
Example: BOOK --> BO1, BOTL --> BO2
These rules are applied when processing a new U/M through the CodeDefinitionBOD:
- If Distribution SX.e U/M <= three characters, create Service Management U/M using Distribution SX.e U/M.
- If Distribution SX.e U/M > three characters, create Service Management U/M using the Alternate Doc ID field (which is the EDI U/M in Distribution SX.e) from the BOD. If Alternate Doc ID is not provided in the BOD, an error BOD is produced.
- Create SX.e Purchase Order
- This check box is selected by default. When it is selected,
the Create SX.e Purchase
Order check box is also selected on the
SX.e Catalog/Non-Stock Query form, and a
purchase order is created by default in Distribution SX.e
when a planned material transaction is created.
When this check box is cleared, it is also cleared by default on the SX.e Catalog/Non-Stock Query form, and a purchase order is not created. Instead, the item goes through the current Distribution SX.e PO RRAR process, which consolidates products fromService Management and Distribution SX.e into a single PO.
- Check Ship To Required
- Select this check box to require the system to check the
Ship To Required
field on the Customers form. The Ship To Required field on the
Customers form inherits its setting from
the CustomerPartyMaster BOD and when checked, requires that a ship
to exists for the customer on a service order or contract. If a ship
to does not exist for the customer, then the service order or
contract cannot be saved.
Clear the Check Ship To Required check box if you do not want the system to check the Ship To Required field, thus allowing service orders or contracts to be saved when the customer does not have a ship to.
- Display Alt Document ID
- Select this check box to use the alternate document ID from Distribution SX.e in the Invoice
Number field on the output generated by these
- Order Invoicing
- Contract Invoicing
- Rental Check Out/In
The Alternate Document ID and related fields are displayed on the Order Invoice Listing form and Contract Invoice Listing form.
Selecting Display Alt Document ID causes these actions:
- Order invoicing runs and generates the invoice number and assigns a Service Management number.
- Automatic invoice posting is performed for the invoice number, which triggers the Process.Invoice BOD to be sent to Distribution SX.e.
- Distribution SX.e responds to the process request with an Acknowledge.Invoice BOD, which contains the Distribution SX.e alternate document ID. Service Management then consumes the BOD and the information.
- After the BOD is successfully consumed, Service Management initiates a print request using Background Task History and the report output contains the Alternate Document ID instead of the Service Management invoice number.
Note: Visibility to the ISM Invoice number is available in Distribution SX.e.If an error occurs, the report might not be generated.
- Enforce Allocations
- When this check box is selected, service order material
transactions cannot be posted when the item/warehouse Item On Hand quantity is less
than the Allocated Order
quantity. This setting ignores the On
Han Neg Flag on the Inventory
Parameters form.
This field also works to prevent material transactions from posting when the quantity on the material transaction is greater than the Ship Qty of the Distribution SX.e order line and the transaction type is not Return.
- Validate Lot Quantity
- When this check box is selected, the transaction quantity
of each Service Order material transaction that is posted is
validated against the quantity of the allocated lot.
When this check box is cleared, the allocated lot is not validated until invoicing.
- Treat Leading Zeros in ShipTo As Alpha
- When this check box is selected, the Distribtion SX.e shipto ID values are converted to alphanumeric values, following the ShipTo conversion rules. For example, the ID 00010 is converted to an alphanumeric value of 00010 instead of treating it as a numeric value 10.
- Use Replacement Cost for Recover Billing Code
- When integrated to Distribution SX.e and the billing code for service orders is set to Recover, select this option to use the replacement cost from Distribution SX.e, instead of the journal cost, as the price for service order transactions.
- Click Save.