Creating a Transfer Order Header
Open the
Transfer Orders form.
Select .
Specify this information:
- Transfer
- Specify a unique identifier composed of numbers, characters,
or a combination. You can set the global prefix, Transfer Prefix, in the
Transfer Order Parameters form. This
prefix starts all generated transfer numbers with the same prefix followed by a
system-generated number.
- Status
- Select a status for the order:
- From Site
- Select the site from which to transfer the inventory.
- To Site
- Select the site to receive the inventory.
- From Warehouse
- Select the warehouse from which to transfer the inventory.
- To Warehouse
- Select the warehouse to receive the inventory.
- # Packages
- Specify the number of packages associated with this transfer.
This field can be used to record the number shipped and then to validate the
number received.
- Total Weight
- Specify the weight of this transfer. This information is helpful
to verify against the bill that is supplied by the shipping vendor.
- Ship Via
- Select the code that tells the shipper how you would like
this transfer order shipped.
Save the record.