Converting a Lead to an Opportunity

  1. On the Leads form, click Convert to open the Convert Lead to Company form. The lead must be qualified before you can convert it.
  2. Select Create Opportunity.
  3. Specify this information:
    Opportunity Name
    Specify a name for the new opportunity.
    Order Type
    Select the order type: sales, parts, or service.
    Planned Close Date
    Select the planned date to close this opportunity.
    Select the salesperson to associate with the opportunity.
    Sales Engineer
    Select the sales engineer to associate with the opportunity.
    Sales Order Amount/Contract Amount/Service Order Amount
    For each field, specify an estimated amount of revenue represented by this lead. The total amount is the sum of the amount of materials to be sold on a sales order, the materials, labor, or miscellaneous items sold on a service order, or the annual revenue from a service contract.
  4. Click OK.