Creating an Item/Warehouse Record

To maintain an item in inventory at more than one warehouse, you must create an Item/Warehouse record for each warehouse where an item may be stored.

When you create an inventory item, an item/warehouse record is automatically created using the default warehouse as designated on the Inventory Parameters form. You must create additional item/warehouse records only if you plan to store the item in other warehouses.

Before you can create such additional item/warehouse records, you must first create one or more additional warehouses using the Warehouses form.

To manually create an item/warehouse record:

  1. Open the Item/Warehouse form and turn off Filter-in-Place.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. In the Item field, select the item for which to create a new warehouse location.
  4. These fields are populated based on the item:
    A description of the item is displayed.
    Item On Hand
    The total on hand for this item across all warehouses is displayed.
    The unit of measure for the item is displayed.
  5. In the Warehouse field, select the code for the warehouse in which to store the item.

    The name of the warehouse is displayed.

    The BinLoc 1 and BinLoc 2 fields are read-only. They show the location for an SX.e item, if applicable. These fields are only relevant for users who are integrating with SX.e.

  6. In the Safety Stock field, specify the quantity of this item to always have on hand in inventory. For example, specify 20 to ensure that a quantity of 20 is always on hand.
  7. In the PO field, select the purchase order number that replenishes this item. Repeat this for all warehouses where this item exists.
  8. In the Transfer field, select the transfer order number that will replenish the item. Only transfer orders from the same warehouse as the item being replenished and with a status of ordered are available to choose from.
  9. In the Cycle Type group box, select the appropriate inventory activity to trigger a cycle count at this warehouse:
    • Day Frequency
    • Zero Quantity
    • Receipt
    • Issue

    The value you define here is used to trigger cycle counts.

  10. In the Last Count field, select the date on which the last cycle count was performed. Only select a value if you have defined a cycle type of Day Frequency.
  11. In the Cycle Frequency field, specify the frequency, in days, with which you want to perform cycle counting. The cycle type must be set to Day Frequency.
  12. The Cycle Triggered check box is selected when a cycle count has been triggered.
  13. The Count In Process check box is selected if a count is in process.
  14. Save the record.

The additional fields on the form are disabled and set to zero at the creation of an item/warehouse record. They are populated based on actions on other forms. You can filter on these fields in Filter-in-Place.

All additional fields are described here:

  • Warehouse On Hand: The current quantity on hand of the item that is stored in the selected warehouse is displayed.
  • On Order: The amount on order for the PO line item for the current warehouse is displayed.
  • Alloc Order: The amount allocated to orders for the sales order line item for the current warehouse is displayed.
  • Reserved: The cumulative quantity of the item reserved for orders at all warehouses is displayed.
  • On Transfer: The summary of all transfer line items expected to arrive at the current warehouse is displayed.
  • Alloc Transfers: The cumulative quantity of transfer line items expected to be shipped out of the current warehouse is displayed.
  • Available to Rent: The total quantity of the item currently available to be rented is displayed.
  • Alloc to Rent: The quantity of the item on a rental contract that is not yet checked out is displayed.
  • Non-Nettable Stock: The total quantity of an item at all non-nettable stockroom locations for the current warehouse is displayed.
  • Purchased YTD: The quantity purchased for the PO line items at the current warehouse, in this year-to-date period, is displayed.
  • Transferred In YTD: The total quantity received so far this year by this warehouse from transfers is displayed.
  • Transferred Out YTD: The total quantity shipped so far this year by this warehouse for transfers is displayed.
  • Sales PTD: The amount sold of this item so far this period is displayed.
  • Sales YTD: The currency amount sold of this item so far this year is displayed.
  • Sold YTD: The quantity of service order transactions posted so far this year with a Bill Code of List is displayed.
  • Used No Charge YTD: The quantity of service order transactions posted so far this year with a Bill Code of No Charge is displayed.
  • Used Warranty YTD: The quantity of service order transactions posted so far this year with a Bill Code of Warranty is displayed.
  • Used Contract YTD: The quantity of service order transactions posted so far this year with a Bill Code of Contract is displayed.
  • Total: The total quantity of service order transactions posted this year is displayed.
  • The Warehouse on Hand graph shows the on-hand quantity for an item at a selected warehouse and the safety stock quantity.
  • The YTD graph shows these amounts in a year-to-date period:
    • Quantity purchased for the PO line items at the current warehouse
    • Total quantity received by the current warehouse from transfers
    • Total quantity shipped by the current warehouse for transfers