Adding a Sales Lead
- On the Leads form, select Actions > New.
Specify this information in the header section:
- Lead
- Specify a number or code to use for identifying the lead. This number is used to identify this record throughout the system. If you do not specify a number, the system assigns the next unique number available when you save the record.
- Status
- Select the current status for the lead. These are maintained on the Lead Status Codes form.
- Company Name
- Specify the name of the company.
- Lead Description
- Specify a description for the new lead.
- Contact
- Specify the name of the primary contact at the company.
- Owner
- The Partner ID of the person primarily responsible for managing the lead is displayed.
- Salesperson
- Select the salesperson who is responsible for the lead.
- Sales Engineer
- Select the person responsible for the technical aspects of the lead.
Specify this information on the General
- Convert Date
- The date this lead was converted is displayed.
- Company
- The company specified in the header is displayed.
- Campaign
- If the lead was generated from a campaign, specify the campaign number.
- Revenue
- Specify the estimated value of the lead company's annual revenue.
- Employee Count
- Specify the number of employees at the lead company.
- Industry
- Select the industry that applies to the lead company.
- SIC Code
- Select the SIC Code(s) that are associated with the lead company's business.
- Lead Source
- Select the source for this lead. These are maintained on the Lead Sources form.
- Last Contact Date
- The last time the lead was contacted is displayed.
- Last Contact By
- The user who last contacted the lead contact is displayed.
- On the Contact tab, specify the phone and other contact information for the main contact at the lead company.
- On the Address tab, specify the address information for the lead company.
- The grid on the Activities tab shows all events such as appointments, phone calls, and web conferences, associated with the lead.
- Click Add Activity or Edit Activity to launch the Activities modal form, where you can add a new activity, or make changes to an existing activity.
- The History tab shows the creation and update history for the lead.
- Save the record.
Use the buttons on this form as described here:
- Click Convert to open the Convert Lead to Company modal form.
- Click Activities to open the Activities modal form.
- Click DataView to open the DataView Results form, showing information related to the lead.
- Click Interactions to open the Interactions form.
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