Creating Vouchers or Adjustments Automatically
- Open the Generate A/P Transactions form.
- Select the vendor whose invoice you are entering.
Perform one of these options:
- To create a voucher for received purchase order lines, select the Voucher option.
- To create an adjustment to an existing voucher for returned items, select the Adjustment option.
- If you selected the Adjustment option, in the Voucher field, select the existing voucher number.
In the G/L Dist field, select a
date or accept the default, which is the current date.
The date is the record date of the accounts payable transaction.
- To link the new voucher to a voucher pre-register, select the voucher pre-register number, and then click OK.
- Select the Additional Material Selection tab.
To voucher purchase order lines:
- Select the Generate from PO check box.
- Select the range of purchase orders you want to use.
- Select the lines/releases you want to use. Note: If the unit of measure of a purchase order line item was changed to something other than the original unit of measure listed on the Items form, the Generate A/P Transactions form uses the original unit of measure to validate the data.
To voucher GRN lines:
- Select the Generate from GRN check box.
- Select the range of GRNs appearing in the invoice.
- (Optional) Select the range of GRN line numbers appearing in the vendor's invoice.
- (Optional) Select the range of purchase order numbers appearing in the vendor's invoice.
Edit the lines to reconcile receipts with the vendor's invoice.
When you edit receipt lines, the amount in the Total field on the Material tab is automatically recalculated.
- Delete any purchase order receipt lines or GRN lines in the Material tab that are not referred to in the vendor's invoice.
- In the To Vch/Adj field, modify the number of units of each line item to include in the voucher, or accept the default value of the quantity received minus any quantity previously vouched for the purchase order line or GRN line.
- Modify (as required) the unit cost of each line, or accept the default value.
Create pending tax transaction lines for the received purchase
The Taxes tab is enabled when the Active for Purchasing check box is selected on the Tax Systems form for at least one tax system.
If the Taxes tab is disabled, you can enter tax amount(s) from the vendor's invoice, or other amounts as required, in the Sales Tax field(s) on the header.
- Select the Taxes tab.
Select Generate Tax.
The activity calculates the sales tax for each pending voucher line on the Material tab and creates a pending tax transaction line for each purchase order on which tax is owed. The activity shows the total of the line amounts in the Sales Tax field(s) on the Taxes tab and provides the option of copying the sum(s) to the header.
Note: The label for the Sales Tax field is user-defined. - To add a tax amount that was not created in the generation process, create a new tax transaction line.
- Specify payable amounts in the voucher header.
In the Material field on the header,
enter the amount displayed in the Total
field on the Material tab.
Amounts in the two fields must be equal. The amount should be equal to what is specified on the vendor's invoice.
- In the Freight and Misc Charges fields on the header, enter amounts from the vendor's invoice or as required.
If you have not already entered sales tax on the header, do so
Sales Tax amount(s) on the header must equal the total(s) on the Taxes tab.
- Select the General tab and enter the required information.
- Generate the voucher or adjustment.
Select Generate.
The new voucher number is displayed in a message when processing is complete.