Adding a New Company

  1. On the Companies form, select Actions > New.
  2. Specify this information:
    Leave this field blank. The system generates a number for the new record after saving.
    Specify the name of the company.
    Specify a description for the company.
    Company Type
    Select a type for the company.
    Internet URL
    Specify the company's web site.
    Select the salesperson managing the relationship with the company (validates against the Partner table).
    Specify the average revenue generated by the company.
    Employee Count
    Specify the number of people employed by the company.
    Specify the main phone number of the company.
    Fax Number
    Specify the main fax number of the company.
    Specify the general company email address.
  3. Specify this information on the General tab:
    Select a valid industry for the company.
    SIC Code
    Select a valid SIC code for the company.
    Select a valid region for the company.
    Select a campaign to associate to the company.
    Lead Source
    Select a lead source to associate to the company.
    Convert Date
    After the company is converted to a customer, the date of conversion is displayed.
    After the company is converted to a customer, the customer number created is displayed.
  4. On the Address tab, specify the address information for the company.
  5. On the Ship To tab, specify the address information for the ship-to customer.
  6. On the Contacts tab, specify this information:
    Primary Contact
    Select the customer to contact first if a direct contact is unclear.
    Last Contact By
    The last partner to contact the company is displayed.
    Contact Date
    The last date of contact is displayed.
    Select additional contacts to use if the primary contact is unavailable. Add/Edit ContactClick these buttons to launch the Contacts modal form to add a new contact or edit an existing contact.
  7. The grid on the Opportunities tab lists any opportunities associated with the company. Click Add Opportunity and Edit Opportunity to launch the Opportunities form in the respective mode.
  8. The History tab tracks the user who created or modified the company information and the date.
  9. Save the record.

Use the buttons on this form as described here:

  • Click Convert To Customer to use the information from the company record in conjunction with data entered on the Convert to Customer form to create a new customer record.
  • Click Contacts to open the Contacts form filtered to contacts that reference the current company.
  • Click Opportunities to open the Opportunities form filtered to opportunities that reference the current company.
  • Click DataView to open the DataView Results form. You can select from a variety of pre-defined DataView layouts such as data grouped by region, salesperson, industry, and SIC code.
  • Click Interactions to open the Interactions form, filtered for the current company.