Setting Up Inventory Parameters

  1. Open the Inventory Parameters form.
  2. Specify this information:
    On Hand Negative Flag
    Select this check box to allow on-hand balances to become a negative number. You will receive a warning message when a negative number is calculated by the system. Clear this box to prohibit on-hand balances from becoming a negative number.
    Track Pick List Date
    Select this check box to track pick list dates for transfer line items and allow you an option when printing pick lists. Clear this check box if you do not want to see pick list dates for the transfer line items and do not want the system to maintain pick lists dates at the item level.
    Default Warehouse
    Select the warehouse to use by default. When you update this field, all users must log out and back in before the new value takes effect in the system.
    Default Location
    Select the location to use by default.
    Transit Location
    Select the location to use by default when performing warehouse transfers involving service items.
    Cost Type
    Select the cost type to use by default:
    • Actual: Use one of the four Actual costing methods.

      All inventory transactions are posted to the Inventory Distribution Journal based on the cost method you enter for each item on the Items form.

      The cost used for inventory reports, SRO costing, and posting to the Inventory Distribution Journal is determined by the costing method specified on the Items form for each item.

    • Standard: Use one of the five Standard costing methods.

      All inventory reports use the Standard cost of each item.

      All transactions processed that affect inventory value are posted to the Inventory Distribution Journal at Standard Cost (variances are also posted).

    Compress IC Distribution Journal On Post
    Select this check box to combine Inventory Journal transactions for the same G/L account on the same date to form a single transaction. The account balances correctly, but individual transaction detail will be lost.

    Clear the check box to instruct the system not to compress on posting but to post the journal in full detail.

    This option applies only when the cost method is Actual.

    IC Dist Compression Level
    If the Compress on Post parameter is selected, select Account or Reporting Unit for the compression level.

    If the Compress on Post parameter is not selected, the IC Distribution Compression Level parameter is set to None.

    Lot Tracking
    Select this check box to automatically select the Lot Track field on the Items form when you add a new item.
    Generate Lot
    Select this check box to automatically generate lot numbers. If you select this check box, all lot numbers in the system are expanded.
    Note: If you select this field and then clear it, existing lots are not expanded; this may create problems later. Therefore, if you have already selected this field and generated lots, we recommend you do not clear the field again.
    Lot Prefix
    Specify a default prefix to use for all lot numbers. This number can be overridden by a setting a default prefix to use for a specific item on the Items form.
    Generate Unique Lot Number
    Select this check box to generate unique lot numbers for each item.
    Remote Site Lot Processing
    Select the method to use to process the From and To Lot fields for remote sites during inventory transactions:
    • Existing Lot: The Lot field allows users only to select from existing lots.
    • Create Lot: The Lot field requires users to enter a new lot number that does not exist in the system.
    • Both: The Lot field allows users to select an existing lot or enter a new lot number.
    Issue By
    Select the default value to use on the Items form: lot or location.
    S/N Track
    Select this check box to use serial tracking by default when adding new items. Serial tracking allows you to track the serial numbers of items as the items move through the system through inventory, receiving, and shipping transactions.
    Expand S/N
    Select this check box to allow serial numbers to expand to 30 characters when there is a character value in the serial number. Clear this field to prevent expansion of serial numbers. When you update this field, all users must log out and back in before the new value takes effect in the system.
    Use Existing Serials
    Select this check box if you want inventory transactions at a local site to use the existing serial numbers from the remote site.
    S/N Prefix
    Specify the prefix to display in front of each serial number. A prefix can consist of numeric and non-numeric (letters and symbols) characters. The prefix should end with an alphabetic character to ensure that the system increments serial numbers correctly.
    Retention Days
    Specify the number of days to retain lots and serial numbers after they are created.
    Unit Quantity Format
    Specify the format to use throughout the system to display Unit Quantity decimal fields. Unit Quantity decimal fields display quantity fields such as jobtran.qty-moved.
    Quantity Per Format
    Specify the decimal field format to use throughout the system to display Quantity Per decimal fields. Quantity Per decimal fields display quantity per amounts such as fs_sro_matl.matl_qty.
    Cumulative Quantity Format
    Specify the decimal field format used throughout the system to display cumulative quantity decimal fields. Cumulative quantity decimal fields display totaled quantity fields, such as period-to-date and year-to-date amounts.
    Total Quantity Format
    Specify the decimal field format to use throughout the system to display Total Quantity decimal fields. Total Quantity decimal fields display totaled quantity fields such as itemwhse.qty-on-hand.
    Kit Template
    Select the default template to use.
    Display Kit Components On Invoices
    Select this check box to display the item components that make up the kit on the invoice output.
    Consumable Reason Code
    Select the reason to use when a consumable item expense occurs.
    Report Description Displays
    Select how descriptions are displayed in reports.

    To display only the description, select Description Only. This option is selected by default if you previously cleared the Use Item Extended Description check box.

    To display only the extended descriptions, select Extended Only. This option is selected by default if your previously selected the Use Item Extended Description check box.

    To display both the description and the second description, select Description + Description2.

  3. Save your settings.