Payroll Export File Format

The below table describes each part of the payroll export file.
Segment Description
Amount Number of Hours Multiplied by the Pay Rate
Date Export Date
Transaction Date Working Date
Company ID Company ID from the partner. If the partner's Company ID is blank, it will use the Company ID from the Payroll Parameters form.
Payroll ID Payroll ID from the partner. It the partner's Payroll ID is blank it will be the same as the Payroll ID from the Payroll Parameters form.
Pay Rate The cost on the Service Order Labor transaction. If Wage Type is O or H, a multiplier from the partner's payroll setup is also added.
Earnings Code The earnings code associated to a Wage Type and Work Code, if setup in fs_pay_edc_code
Quantity Hours Worked
Work Code Work Code on the Service Order Transaction, such as Welding, Consulting, or Training
Wage Type Value based on the number of hours worked during the pay period compared to the Pay Period Hours Until Overtime for the partner. Valid values are:
  • R = Regular Time
  • O = Overtime
  • H = Holiday Time
Type Of Transaction Always sent as the letter L for Labor
Partner ID Unique ID of the Partner
Partner Name Name of the Partner
SRO Number Service Order Number
SRO Line Service Order Line
SRO Operation Service Order Operation
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