Distributing Expenses Among Accounts

Use the Chart of Account Allocations form to distribute expenses for allocation accounts that have been set up on the Chart of Accounts form.

This information is displayed for any allocation accounts:

  • Account: The account number is displayed.
  • (Account Description): A description of the account is displayed.
  • Account Type: Allocation is displayed as the account type.

To distribute an expense among multiple accounts:

  1. Open the Chart of Account Allocations form.
  2. Select the account for which you want to distribute expenses.
  3. In the Sequence field on the grid, select the number of the allocation you are working with.
  4. In the Distribution Account field, select the account number identifying the allocation account you want to distribute charges to.
  5. In the Percentage field, specify the percentage of the total cost to charge to the specific account.
  6. This information is displayed:
    Unit Code (1-4)
    The unit code specified for the distribution account is displayed.
    A description of the distribution account is displayed.
    Account Type
    The account type is displayed for the distribution account.
  7. Save the record.

The grid is populated based on the header fields.