Printing Inventory Sheets
- Open the Print Inventory Sheets form.
Specify this information:
- Print Blank Sheets
- Select this check box to print only blank sheets.
Note: When setting the sheet controls, overestimate the number of item/location/lot combinations to allow for extra (blank) sheets. You can use the blank sheets to record items found in the warehouse but not listed on the sheets. Items may be in the warehouse(s) but not listed on a sheet for various reasons. You may not add items during Physical Inventory.
- Print Barcode Format
- Select this check box to include barcodes on this report.
- Print Zero Qty On-Hand Items
- Select this check box to include on-hand items
with quantities of zero on the report. Note: Depending upon the number of item/location/lot combinations, the number of sheets printed can become large. If writing them to a file, ensure there is enough disk space to store all of them. If sending them to the printer, remember that it takes some time to print the sheets.
- Display Report Header
- Select this check box to print report headers on the output.
For these fields, select the range of values to include in the
- Location
- Lot
- Sheet
- Select Print and click Process to print the results of running the utility without saving the results in the database.
- Select Commit and click Process to save the results in the database.
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