Purging Voucher History

  1. Open the Purge Voucher History form.
  2. In the Ending Voucher field, select the last voucher you want to purge, or, to delete all vouchers, leave this field blank.
  3. In the Ending Invoice Date field, select the most recent date of the invoices you want to purge, or, to delete invoices of any date, leave this field blank.
  4. If you want to delete only the line items of the vouchers and not the header information, select Delete Line Items Only.
  5. Voucher headers associated with unposted A/P transactions or POs with a status of Planned or Ordered are not purged by the system. If you want the system to display an error message every time it finds a voucher that cannot be purged, select Show Unpurgable Vouchers.
  6. Click Process.

To deactivate A/P posted transactions before purging, you must use the Activate/Deactivate Posted Transactions - A/P utility.

Purging the voucher history does not remove the voucher and payment from the A/P Posted Transactions Detail form. To do that, you must run the Delete A/P Posted Transactions utility before purging the vouchers.