Viewing G/L Posted Transactions
- Open the G/L Posted Transactions form.
- To sort the form by account, select an account number and click the Filter-in-Place button.
These fields are populated based on the account:
- Sequence
- The sequence number of the transaction is displayed.
- (Account Description)
- A description of the account is displayed.
- (Unit Code 1-4)
- The unit codes set up for this account are displayed.
- Date
- The date the transaction was posted is displayed.
- Site
- The originating site of the transaction is displayed.
This information is displayed on the General
- Domestic/Foreign Debit and Credit
- If the transaction is a debit, its amount is displayed in the Domestic and Foreign Debit fields. If it is a credit, these fields are not displayed on the form; instead, the amount of the transaction is displayed in the Domestic and Foreign Credit fields.
- Reference
- The reference from the journal entry is displayed.
- Allocation Transaction
- If the transaction is posted to an Allocation account, the system-generated transaction number is displayed.
- Posted From
- The journal type from which the record is posted is displayed.
- Posted From Site
- For cross-site payment transactions, the site from which the transaction was posted to the ledger is displayed.
- Customer/Vendor
- The number of the customer or vendor that is associated with the transaction is displayed.
- (Customer/Vendor Description)
- The name of the customer or the vendor number is displayed.
- Invoice/Voucher
- The invoice or voucher number is displayed.
- Invoice/Voucher Sequence
- The invoice or voucher sequence number is displayed.
- Hierarchy
- The hierarchy for the posted transaction is displayed only when viewing the posted transaction for an entity. This information is not visible at the site level.
- (Control Number Prefix)
- The control number prefix is displayed. This is used as a tracking identifier for a journal.
- (Site)
- The site ID is displayed.
- (Fiscal Year)
- The fiscal year is displayed.
- (Period)
- The period number is displayed.
- (Journal Control Number)
- The ledger control number is displayed.
- (Reference Control Number)
- The reference control number shows the same fields as the control number, populated for the reference number.
- Check
- The check number is displayed.
- Check Date
- The date of the check distribution is displayed.
- Currency Code
- The currency code for the transaction is displayed.
- Bank Code
- The bank code for the transaction is displayed.
- Consolidated
- This field is set to Yes if the transaction has been consolidated from the site to the entity. This field is set to No if the transaction has not been consolidated.
The Dimensions tab features two tabs: Analysis Attributes and Attributes.
The Analysis Attributes tab shows dimension analysis attribute fields, used for capturing journal/ledger transaction data for analysis. Transactions for accounts that have been associated with a Ledger dimension, and for which this analysis attribute has been applied to that dimension, are included in the analysis.
If this field has been configured for use, you can select a value to analyze for associated accounts. This field may be required, depending on configuration. The data captured, based on your selected value, is stored with account transactions indefinitely.
The Attributes tab feature a grid that lists attribute descriptions and values.
Use the buttons on this form as described here:
- Click Sequence Detail to open the Posted Transaction form. On this form, you can see more detail about the selected transaction.
- Click Budget and Plan to open the Chart of Account Budget and Plan form.
- Click Summary by Account to open the A/L Posted Transactions Summary form.
- Click Related Transactions to open the G/L Posted Transaction form, displaying all entries for that specific order.