Copying Transfer Orders
Open the Copy Transfer Orders form.
Specify this information:
- From Transfer
- Select the number of the transfer order you are copying.
- Starting/Ending Line
- Select the range of lines that you want to copy.
- To Transfer
- Select the number of the transfer order to which you are copying
the lines.
- Copy Charges
- Select this check box to copy miscellaneous charges, sales tax(es),
and landed costs from the transfer order.
- Scheduled Ship/Receive Date
- Select the scheduled shipping or receiving date to
indicate a range for line items to be copied on a transfer order. You must
select at least one of the dates. If both the dates are entered, then these
dates are used to create all of the line items. If only one of the dates is
entered, then this calculation is used to create line items: Sch Rcpt Date -
Transit Time - Dock to Stock = Sch Ship Date
Click Process.