Managing Document Groups
The Document Group Management form displays
documents that are attached to the Service Portal Group.
Filter on these fields to find documents that your customers can view in the portal (wildcard characters are acceptable in some fields):
- Group Description: Specify a portal group description, as defined on the Groups form.
- Table Index: Specify a customer ID.
- Document Seq: This is an automatically generated identifier that distinguishes between documents (files) with the same document name.
- Document Type: Select the type of document, as defined on the Document Types form.
- Document Name: Specify the name of the document (file), which was defined when the document was attached.
Status: Specify the status of the
document (file):
- Pending: Someone has submitted the document for attachment. This submission can be made either through the internal system or through the Customer Portal or Vendor Portal. While the status is Pending, the document is not available for viewing.
- Approved: An authorized system administrator has approved the document for viewing. Once the document status is Approved, the document is available to authorized users for viewing.
- Rejected: An authorized system administrator has rejected the document for viewing. The document remains unavailable for viewing by anyone.
- External: If selected, this field indicates that the document (file) originated and was attached from the portal.
- Start/End Dates: Specify the effectivity dates when the document is available on the portal.
- Revision: Specify the version (if used) of the document (file). If used, the revision field is defined on the Document form.
- File Extension: Specify the actual file extension of the attached document. This might be different from the Document Type.
- Internal: If selected, this field indicates that the document cannot be accessed from the portal.