Setting Up Inter-Site Parameters

  1. On the Inter-Site Parameters form, select Actions > New.
  2. Specify this information:
    From Site
    Select the site from which you will post payment distributions. The site name is displayed.
    Reports To (From Site)
    The entity to which the site reports for purposes of financial consolidation is displayed. If this field is blank, then this site does not report to an entity.
    To Site
    Select the site to which you will post payment distributions. The site name is displayed.
    Reports To (To Site)
    The entity to which the site reports for purposes of financial consolidation is displayed. If this field is blank, then this site does not report to an entity.
  3. Specify this information on the General tab:
    Posting Method
    Select the posting method to use for multi-site transfer orders:
    • Inter-Entity: Transfers occur with revenue, with the From Site making a profit.
    • Intra-Entity: Transfers occur at cost.
    Transit Time in Days
    The default transit time between the From Site and To Site is displayed. This value is used to determine the transportation lead time. The transit time is used for all warehouses associated with the From Site. If you change this value, you must run the MRP or APS planning activity for the change to affect the plan.
    FOB Site
    Select either the from or to site to designate as the free on board site. The FOB site indicates when change of ownership of the items or materials occurs. The FOB site drives the timing of accounting transactions. If the FOB site is the same as the From Site, then the goods change ownership at the time of shipping. If the FOB site is the same as the To Site, then the goods change ownership at the time of receiving. If you update the FOB site on this form, the system does not update existing transfer orders.
    (FOB Site Name)
    The name of the FOB site is displayed.
    Price Code
    Select the price code to use. The price code enables the From Site to determine the use of the unit cost or unit price cost. This field is only required when the site specified in the To Site is in a different entity than the site specified in the From Site.
    (Price Code Description)
    A description of the price code is displayed.
    Exchange Rate
    Specify the exchange rate to use between the From Site and the To Site if the two sites have different domestic currencies, or click Calculate Exchange Rate to update the exchange rate.
    Intra-Entity Clear Ship
    Select the account number that will accumulate amounts when transactions are shipped from the From Site to the To Site. Transactions are created for both the To Site and From Site. The transaction amount is equal to the item cost of the item or material being moved.
    Intra-Entity Clear Receive
    Select the account number that will accumulate amounts when the To Site receives material from the From Site. Transactions are created for both the To Site and From Site. The transaction amount is equal to the item cost of the item or material being moved.
    (Unit Code 1-4)
    The associated unit codes are displayed for the accounts.
    (Account Description)
    Descriptions of the accounts are displayed.
  4. If you plan to use transfers between entities, specify this information on the Ship From tab:
    Inter-Entity Accounts Receivable
    Select the A/R account to use by default in the From Site database when there are Receiving transactions in the To Site database. Transactions are created for the From Site only. The transaction amount is equal to the item price of the item or material being transferred times the item quantity. A balancing entry is made in the Inter-Entity Accounts Payable account for the To Site.
    Inter-Entity Sales
    Select the sales account to use by default in the From Site database when there are Receiving transactions in the To Site database. Transactions are created for the From Site only. The transaction amount is equal to the item price of the item or material being transferred times the item quantity.
    Inter-Entity Profit
    Select the profit account to use by default in the From Site database when there are Receiving transactions in the To Site database. Transactions are created for the From Site only when the item price does not equal the item cost at the To Site. The associated unit codes and descriptions are displayed for each account.
  5. On the Ship From COs tab, select the default accounts to use in the From Site database when there are Receiving transactions in the To Site database:
    • Inter-Entity COS Material
    • Inter-Entity COS Labor
    • Inter-Entity COS Fixed Overhead
    • Inter-Entity COS Variable Overhead
    • Inter-Entity COS Outside Services
  6. If you plan to use transfers between entities, specify this information on the Receive To tab:
    Inter-Entity Accounts Payable
    Select the A/P account to use by default in the To Site database when there are Receiving transactions from the From Site database. Transactions are created for the To Site only. The transaction amount is equal to the item price of the item or material being transferred times the item quantity. A balancing entry is made in the Inter-Entity Accounts Receivable account for the From Site.
    Inter-Entity Cost
    Select the cost account to use by default in the To Site database when there are receiving transactions from the From Site database. Transactions are created for the To Site only when the item price is greater than or less than the item cost. The transaction amount is equal to the item cost of the item or material being moved times the quantity. A balancing entry is made in the Inter-Entity Profit account for the From Site.
    Inter-Entity Value Variance
    Select the account to use by default for value variance in the To Site database when there are receiving transactions from the From Site database. Transactions are created for the To Site only when there are cost differences between sites in different divisions. If Specific costing is used at the To Site and the To Site cost does not equal the cost at the From Site, then the difference would be charged to the Inventory Adjustment account. This is the result of an Inventory Revaluation. If any other cost method is being used at the To Site and the To Site cost does not equal the cost at the From Site, then the difference would be charged to the Inter-Entity Valuation Variance account. This situation holds true even if the From Site is selling the item or material to the To Site. The profit portion would be charged to its appropriate account at the From Site. The cost portion would be charged to its appropriate account at the To Site. The associated unit codes and descriptions are displayed for each account.
  7. Use the Payments tab to select the default accounts to use when you are making Inter-Site transactions, such as accounts payable distributions, or accounts receivable payment distributions.

    For the From Site, select the A/R Inter-Site Liability account and A/P Inter-Site Asset to use.

    For the To Site, select the A/R Inter-Site Asset account and A/P Inter-Site Liability account to use.

  8. Save the record.