Warranty Analysis dashboard
The Contracts Analysis dashboard includes KPIs for these metrics:
- Open Claims Amount
- Total Claims
- Number of Open Claims
- Late Claims Amount
- Number of Late Claims
- Underpaid Claims
- Outstanding Claims
These reports are provided:
- Open, Late, and Total Claims Amount by Year/Month
- Open, Late, and Total Claims by Year/Month
- Top Claims and Amount by Customers
These filters can be applied:
- Site
- Warehouse ID
- Warehouse Name
- Ship Customer Name
- Ship Customer Number
- Customer Seq
- Customer State
- Department ID
- Department
- SRO Type
- SRO Type Description
- Year
- Year/Month
- Year/Quarter
- Date
- Region ID
- Region
- SRO Number
- SRO Description
- SRO Status
- SRO Status Description
- Terms Code
- Terms Description
- Tax Code
- Tax Code Description