Changing the authenticator data source using the Farm Manager

Note: This topic describes changing from one back office data source to another. It does not explain changing from a back office data source to another type of data source.
  1. In the Farm Manager, select Farm Configuration > Portals.
  2. Select the portal for which to change the authenticator data source.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the Authenticator Data Source Name field, specify the new authenticator data source.
  5. Review the message about portal administrator permissions and click OK.
  6. Under Choose Permissions, verify or assign administrator permissions for the appropriate users and/or groups, based on who needs access to the Portal Manager.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Review the message about other permissions. Perform one of these steps:
    • To keep the existing permission settings for the portal, click Yes.
    • To have the existing settings cleared so you can change them, click No. You will need to sign in to the Portal Manager for the updated portal and complete these tasks:
      1. Initialize the portal pre-login user. Select Portal Configuration > Session Initialization. Click Initialize Pre-Login User. Specify the credentials for the pre-login user as set up in the back office. Click Validate. Click Save.
      2. Reset the component set permissions. Select Portal Configuration > Permissions. One by one, select each component set and click Edit to reset the required users and/or groups. Click Save.